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Neuro-oncology - A5

Wards A-Z

Ward A5 is part of a regional neurosciences unit. We specialise in caring for patients who require surgery or treatment for conditions relating to the brain and spine. Welcome to the ward. We hope your stay will be comfortable. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Directions and travel

For security, there is an intercom at the ward door.

Parking is restricted on the site and we encourage visitors to use public transport. Please follow the signs for visitors' parking and enter the hospital by the main entrance. Here, there are drop-off only and disabled parking spaces.

CUH Directions mobile app

The CUH Directions mobile app is for patients and visitors.

It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.

CUH Directions – mobile app

Drug rounds

Please try not to interrupt the nursing staff while they are doing the 'drug round' or checking medicines.

Doctor's ward rounds

You should see a member of your medical team every day. The timings of the visits may vary due to theatre commitments.


Your staff will let you know in advance when you are likely to be discharged from the ward and will discuss with you how you will get home. There are strict criteria for hospital transport.

Privacy and dignity

We are committed to treating all patients with privacy and dignity in a safe, clean and comfortable environment. This means, with a few exceptions, we will care for you in same sex bays in wards with separate sanitary facilities for men and women. For your added privacy we would recommend that you bring in loose, comfortable clothing to change into.

Ward facilities

We have a day room for patients and visitors’ use, which has information about health issues and organisations associated with brain and spinal care.

Post is delivered twice a day to the ward. Outgoing post can be placed in the out tray on the reception desk. Toilets on the wards are for the use of patients only. Toilets for visitors’ use are situated just to the left of the ward entrance through the single door.

Clothing and laundry

We encourage patients to wear daytime clothes when they feel able. We do not, however, have facilities to launder your clothes routinely. It is very helpful if relatives can take responsibility for this.

Who to contact for further advice / questions

You will have a phone/TV by your bed, which enables you to phone in and out directly. Where possible, please encourage people to contact you on this phone (incoming calls are free to you). The radio is free to use, but the TV you have to pay for. This can be done via a mobile phone and QR code or by following the TV touch screen instructions.

It is very helpful if you appoint just one member of your family to make enquiries to staff about your progress – they can then pass on the information to others. If you or your relative wish to speak to a member of your medical team, please ask and if needed we can make an appointment for this.

Please call after 8 am as the changeover of nursing staff will be complete by this time.

If you or your visiting relatives have any concerns, please discuss these with your nursing staff, ward sister or unit manager. You can also discuss them with the patient advice and liaison service (PALS) staff, who can visit you on the ward

For non-clinical problems (for example, help with benefits or accommodation), we can arrange for a visit from a social worker and / or you can book to meet advisors from the information centre.

Staff and uniforms

  • Divisional head of nursing: navy blue with green piping
  • Matron: navy blue with green piping
  • Senior sister / ward manager: navy blue with white piping
  • Junior charge nurse / junior sister: royal blue with white piping
  • Senior staff nurse / staff nurse: blue with white stripes
  • Healthcare support worker: white with grey stripes
  • Student nurse: grey

During your stay, you will be cared for by one registered nurse and healthcare support worker, who will be led by a senior staff nurse / junior charge nurse / sister.

Our nursing team works the following shift times:

  • Early (7 am - 3 pm)
  • Late (midday - 8 pm)
  • Long day (7 am - 8 pm)
  • Night (7.30 pm - 7.30 am)

During the overlap time, we hand over your care to the next team of staff. Your named nurse for the shift will come to see you briefly at the start of each shift. Clinical nurse practitioners / specialists also work with the consultants / medical teams and will give you further advice and information about your care and treatment.

Housekeepers will bring you your meals and drinks and ensure the cleanliness of the ward.

Our ward clerk works Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, and can help with general enquiries, make clinic appointments and book hospital transport.

Your doctor's name will be written on the board behind your bed.

On your arrival

When you are first admitted, you will meet a member of the medical and nursing staff as soon as possible. If there is a short delay, please bear with us – we might be waiting for another patient to be discharged or be busy caring for other patients.

Visiting hours

You may visit from 8 am to 8 pm. Requests to visit at other times should be discussed with the nurse in charge.

Up to two visitors only are allowed at each bedside at any time. Children may visit at the discretion of the nurse in charge and must be strictly supervised by a parent or guardian. When you have visitors, please be considerate of other patients who may be feeling very unwell; a lot of noise or commotion may prevent them from resting.

Visitors can also meet you or wait in the ward’s day room. If you are well enough, they can take you out of the ward for a change of scene, but please check with a member of staff first.

Visitors are kindly requested not to sit on the patient’s bed.

Because space is limited and to reduce infection, we do not allow cut flowers on the ward. Any flowers delivered will be placed in the day room.

To help us prevent the spread of any infections, please ask visitors to use the hand washing facilities / hand rub at the entrance to the ward on arrival and on leaving.

Current visiting policy

Restricted visiting will be permitted on most wards and areas such as our Emergency Department. Please follow our guidance to find our more information as some areas do still have restrictions.

Read our visiting policy

There may be some occasions when visiting restrictions are increased with very limited visiting times. This will be in line with infection control guidance and to maintain the safety and protection of our patients and staff.

If you are likely to be hospitalised for two weeks or more, your visitors can get a discounted parking ticket from the main reception. This allows you to exit from the car parks for 14 consecutive days from the day you validate the ticket.

Please note ward staff are not allowed to stamp / sign car parking tickets for visitors for discounted parking. If you have any concerns / questions, please speak to the car parking help desks located in the carparks.

Discounted parking

Infection control

Addenbrooke’s has advice leaflets for patients and their visitors about infection control.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact PALS on 01223 216756.

Food and drink

We will bring you three meals each day (breakfast, lunch and supper) and hot drinks / snacks at intervals. When you arrive, we will explain how this works and will ask if you have any special requirements. Please check with nursing staff before you consume any food or drink that has been brought in for you or purchased in the hospital.

We are able to microwave food for patients brought in from elsewhere, but this is down to your own safety risk and we will not take any liability for any illnesses caused by this. You will be required to sign a disclaimer in order to reheat food brought in.