We have two main car parks for our patients and visitors, as well as a number of disabled bays.
If you plan to travel to the hospitals by car, please use the on-site car parks and respect our neighbours by not parking in the residential streets surrounding the hospitals.
Urgent advice: Car park 2 - Road closure
Please be aware that currently the only access to Car Park 2 is via Dame Mary Archer Way/Papworth Road.
The alternative route from Robinson Way (marked in red on the map), is closed due to ongoing construction work nearby and therefore a diversion is in place.
Please ensure you allow additional time for this when attending any outpatient appointments at the Rosie.

All parking is pay on foot.
This means you pay at a pay station when you are ready to leave for the period of time you have parked.
The pay stations take credit cards, notes or coins and are located on the ground floor in both car parks 1 and 2, in the lift and stair lobbies on each floor and in the main concourse.
Parking spaces may be limited during peak times. Please allow enough time to park and make your way to your appointment.
Non-urgent advice: Car Park 1
- Suitable for
Outpatients appointments clinics 1-19, general visiting
- Accessible facilities
Visit AccessAble to help inform you about the accessible facilities for Car Park 1.
Non-urgent advice: Car Park 2
- Suitable for
Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre (ATC) clinics 30 to 33, Day surgery, Rosie Hospital and clinics 20 to 24, General visiting
- Accessible facilities
Visit AccessAble to help inform you about the accessible facilities for Car Park 2.
Car parking charges
All patients are entitled to discount parking, with discounts available for long term / regular visitors.
Details of the normal full price hourly tariffs are available in the car parks, or on our contractors' website:
- Car park 1 (opens in a new tab) - managed by NCP
- Car park 2 (opens in a new tab) - managed by Saba
We encourage you to use public transport, taxi, walk or cycle if possible.
There is a free courtesy bus running every 10 minutes from car park 1 and 2 which drops and collects from all of the main entrances.
Height restriction of 2.1 meters apply in both Car Parks 1 and 2. Please speak to staff in the car park for alternative parking if your vehicle exceeds this height.
Please ensure you follow our car parking rules.
Short stay parking
30 minute short stay spaces are available outside the following entrances:
- Main hospital
- Outpatients
- Addenbrooke's Treatment Centre (ATC)
- Rosie Hospital
- Lay-by outside the Cambridge Eye Unit
- Emergency Department (A&E)
Parking in theses bays is monitored and parking charge notices will apply to any vehicle exceeding the waiting time.
Disabled parking
Short-stay disabled car parking spaces
Blue Badge holders can park for free in the on-road disabled car parking spaces for a maximum of four hours. Please ensure you display your time clock and abide by the car parking rules.
Long-stay disabled car parking spaces
Blue Badge holders parking for more than four hours should use the long-stay disabled spaces available in car parks 1 and 2. Standard car parking charges will apply unless you qualify for our parking discount.
Please allow enough time to park and make your way to your appointment.
There is a free courtesy bus running every 10 minutes from car parks 1 and 2 which drops and collects from all of the main entrances.
Motorcycle parking
We have free motorcycle parking bays in many sites across the hospital. Please see our campus map (opens in a new tab) for their locations.
Speak to our team
For any parking related issues please contact a customer service advisor on the following numbers (24 hours).
- Car park 1: 01223 256542
- Car park 2: 01223 210752
Access and car parking office - 07.30-17.00 Mon – Fri: 01223 586060
Out of hours: 01223 596606