GMC number
Previous history
I graduated with Bachelor in Medicine from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the Military School of Combat Support Officers. I completed my speciality training in general surgery in “Evangelismos” Hospital of Athens. I have served the Greek Army for 28 years and retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2016. I awarded a Doctorate in Medicine from the Medical School of Athens University for my research into “the excretion levels of adipose tissue hormones and cytokines in morbid obese patients”.
Equipped with a thorough specialty training in general surgery, emergency surgery and trauma, I have reached a degree of clinical and operative experience that enables me to work at consultant level with excellent patients’ outcomes. I have gained significant experience in independently managing and operating on elective and emergency surgical cases. I provide patients with high quality, up-to-date, holistic care in the safest manner possible with minimal perioperative complications, and with respect, compassion and dedication towards every patient and their families.
I have held many management positions including but not limited to Clinical Director, Education Director, Department Head and Army Commander of a military mission in a battlefield zone hospital. Roles that required me to manage people, situations, and items effectively and ethically. The leadership and management positions I have held, helped me to develop my skills in communication, delegation, and managing multiple tasks and deadlines.
I recognise my obligation to teach, I am enthusiastic about teaching and I feel privileged to be able to contribute to the training and development of future doctors. I try to use every teaching opportunity offered to me in order to ensure that I provide learning. I make theatres, ward rounds and clinics a rewarding educational experience. My posts of clinical and educational supervisor as well as tutor and faculty member in courses allow me to act and serve as a teacher and trainer.
Memberships and accreditations
- Royal College of Surgeons (England)
- American college of Surgeons
- European Board of Surgery (General Surgery)
- Citations: 3,348 with h-index: 28
- Publication in peer-reviewed journals: 150
- Published books: 4 / Book chapters: 35
- Associate editor and editorial board member in 8 peer-reviewed journals
- Reviewer for 17 peer-reviewed journals
- Oral / poster presentations in conferences: 247
- Conferences chairman: 4 / Invited speaker: 20 / Round tables: 6
I have received 22 awards and medals for my clinical, teaching and research work as well as for my participation in peacekeeping missions. ASiT (Association of Surgeons in Training) has nominated me for the prestigious Swann Morton Silver Scalpel Award in recognition of exceptional training I provide.