GMC number
My current role
As an orthopaedic surgeon I treat patients with musculoskeletal problems. These are largely problems with bones and joints.
I am an honorary senior lecturer in medical education. This involves teaching at every level from visiting primary schools to teaching senior trainees in orthopaedics, paediatrics and general practice. I also teach and learn from fellow consultants. I conduct medical school entrance interviews and also final exams.
I conduct research in orthopaedics. My recent publications have focussed on non-accidental injury and bone and joint infection.
Previous history
My first proper job was in my gap year working at a hotel in Israel.
I have worked in basic science research and also industrial engineering for ICI and Monsanto.
In medicine I have worked in various specialties including plastic surgery, neurosurgery, intensive care, and general surgery.
I have worked in medicine in India, Tanzania and Australia. I continue to work as a volunteer for two weeks of teaching and operating each year in Uganda.
I have received an NHS Innovation Award for developing paediatric fracture clinics and virtual fracture clinics.
I have been employed as a medical tutor at King's, St John's and Newnham Colleges at Cambridge University.
I have also worked as an advisor to the Cabinet Office.
Memberships and accreditations
- FRCS (trauma and orthopaedics) RCS England (2007)
- MRCS RCS England (2002)
- MRCS RCS Edinburgh (2001)
- MBBChir Cambridge University (1997)
- MEng Oxford University (1993)
- BA (Hons) Oxford University (1992)
- BOA - British Orthopaedic Association
- BSCOS - British Society of Children's Orthopaedic Surgery
- GMC - General Medical Council
- BMA - British Medical Association
- RCS - Royal College of Surgeons
- SDG - Honorary Treasurer of UK Skeletal Dysplasia Group
- LPUK - Medical Advisor to Little People UK
- CTOC - Cambridge Trauma and Orthopaedic Club (Ex-President)
- EAOC - East Anglian Orthopaedic Club
- Member of Clare College
Personal interests
I am a husband, father and sailor. I have an interest in overseas work.
Favourite quote
Primum non nocere - first do no harm (Auguste François Chomel 1788-1858)
Multicentre study of physical abuse and limb fractures in young children in the East Anglia Region, UK
A prospective study of screening for musculoskeletal pathology in the child with a limp or pseudoparalysis using erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein and MRI
Paediatric fracture clinic re-design: Incorporating a virtual fracture clinic
Brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis in a 2-year-old child caused by Kingella kingae
Unusual cause of pleuritic chest pain in a child