GMC number
My current role
I work in the multidisciplinary team on the John Farman ICU looking after critically ill adults, and in theatres providing anaesthesia for patients undergoing a variety of surgical procedures. I also work for the Adult Critical Care Transfer Service (East of England).
I’m the Faculty Tutor for Intensive Care Medicine and lead for junior doctor recruitment to the JVF-ICU - often in conjunction with my colleagues from NCCU.
Previous history
I graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2002 and worked at the Royal Liverpool Hospital before moving to Cambridge for a medical SHO rotation. It was on the old JVF-ICU in 2004 that I developed my enthusiasm for Intensive Care.
After Cambridge, I trained in anaesthetics in London mainly at the Royal London Hospital and Barts. I spread my Intensive Care training between the Royal London Hospital and Addenbrooke's, and undertook a Critical Care Education Fellowship at the Royal London before being appointed to my consultancy at CUH in 2014.
Memberships and accreditations
I'm a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, and a member of the Intensive Care Society.