Dr John Tadross
Consultant Pathologist in Solid Tumour Molecular, Endocrine and Head and Neck; Molecular Pathology Clinical Lead, East Genomic Laboratory Hub; Affiliated Assistant Professor, University of Cambridge
Consultant in histopathology and solid tumour molecular pathology
GMC number
My current role
I am the molecular pathology clinical lead for the East Genomics Laboratory Hub.
Previous history
I was a trainee at CUH before joining as a consultant, prior to which I spent 12 years in London doing an MB and PhD.
Identification of an Activating PDGFRA Deletion in a Novel Sinonasal Soft Tissue Neoplasm.
HypoMap – a unified single cell gene expression atlas of the murine hypothalamus
New molecular techniques for exploring appetite pathways.
Formaldehyde induced transcriptional stress triggers an anorexic DNA damage response.
The Melanocortin 3 Receptor links nutritional state to the timing of puberty, linear growth and body composition.