GMC number
My current role
I work in the diabetes in pregnancy service in the Rosie Hospital, where I see pregnant women with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and previous bariatric surgery. In addition, I spend several days a week working on my research in the field of diabetes, nutrition and obesity in pregnancy.
I am currently running a randomised controlled trial to find the best diet for women with gestational diabetes (DiGest trial) and an observational study assessing causes of gestational diabetes (OPHELIA study).
Previous history
I trained in medicine at the University of Glasgow and worked in Scotland for several years. I moved to Addenbrooke's Hospital in 2008 and specialised in chemical pathology (medical biochemistry) and metabolic medicine, developing specialist interests in diabetes in pregnancy, lipid disorders and obesity.
I am a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists. I am chair of the chemical pathology committee and serve on the executive board of the Association for Clinical Pathologists.
Personal interests
When I am not at work, I enjoy running, gardening on my allotment and spending time with my family.
Antenatal Determinants of Childhood Obesity in High-Risk Offspring: Protocol for the DiGest Follow-Up Study
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Time-in-Range and HbA 1c Targets in Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes
Placental secretome characterization identifies candidates for pregnancy complications
Which growth standards should be used to identify large- and small-for-gestational age infants of mothers with type 1 diabetes? A pre-specified analysis of the CONCEPTT trial
Novel Biochemical Markers of Glycemia to Predict Pregnancy Outcomes in Women With Type 1 Diabetes