GMC number
Always strive for excellence and place the patient at the forefront of all you do
My current role
I am a consultant neurosurgeon with sub-specialist interests in neurovascular surgery, degenerative spinal surgery and management of Chiari malformation and syringomyelia.
Previous history
Before being appointed at Addenbrooke's, I spent some time as a consultant at Queen Elizabeth hospital, Birmingham. Prior to this, I was awarded a prestigious royal college of surgeons senior fellowship in neurovascular surgery.
Membership and accreditations
I am a member of the society of British neurological surgeons, British association of spinal surgeons, British neurovascular group and the royal college of surgeons of England.
Same day embolisation followed by microsurgical resection of brain arteriovenous malformations: a single centre early experience
Evaluation of nationwide referral pathways, investigation and treatment of suspected cauda equina syndrome in the United Kingdom
Early mobilisation does not increase the complication rate from unintended lumbar durotomy
Spontaneous haemorrhage into a large abducens nerve schwannoma: a case report
Clinical outcomes during the learning curve of MIDline Lumbar Fusion (MIDLF®) using the cortical bone trajectory