GMC number
What about medicine based evidence?
My current role
I work with the multidisciplinary team on the John Farman ICU looking after critically ill adults, and in theatres providing anaesthesia for patients undergoing a variety of surgical procedures - usually major gastrointestinal surgery.
I am the medical lead for the Vascular Access Team and have a particular interest in this area.
Previous history
I graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1994.
I worked at senior house officer (SHO) level in emergency medicine, anaesthetics, medicine and intensive care in Leicester, Newcastle and Nottingham before becoming an anaesthetic registrar and then Clinical Lecturer in the East of England (mainly Cambridge).
Memberships and accreditations
I'm a member of the Intensive Care Society, and a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
Personal interests
When I'm not at work I enjoy cycling, running and swimming although always with the aim of 'completing, not competing!'.