Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
Albert Einstein
My current role
I am the lead psychologist in the paediatric cystic fibrosis service, having been part of the team for 8 years. I also provide psychology input with families, children and young people under the care of paediatric respiratory medicine.
I am currently on a 1 year secondment, part-time, to provide clinical supervision and staff support to midwives working in the Rosie hospital.
Previous history
Before starting work in paediatric psychological medicine at Addenbrooke's I completed the doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of East Anglia.
I gained experience prior to training in assistant psychologist roles at Great Ormond Street hospital and as part of the national specialist OCD service at the Maudsley hospital in London.
After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Birmingham I completed a PhD in applied developmental psychology looking at the cognitive, behavioural and psychosocial profile of young people with a diagnosis of Russell-Silver syndrome.
Membership and accreditations
I am registered with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC).
Personal interests
Outside of work I enjoy crafts, particularly crochet and knitting, and cooking.
I like to stay active and enjoy walking and jogging (slowly) with my family and my Jack Russell Terrier, Peggy.