GMC number
My current role
I am the clinical lead for paediatric surgery and a consultant paediatric surgeon.
Previous history
I trained in general surgery for four years, followed by paediatric surgery in Bristol and Birmingham for another four years. I completed a two year research doctorate in Bristol. I also did a one-year paediatric surgery fellowship in the USA, before joining Cambridge.
Memberships and accreditations
- General Medical Council
- Medical Defence Union
- Royal College of Surgeons of England
- University of Bristol
- Joint committee on intercollegiate examinations
- Joint committee on surgical training
- Surgical advisory committee
- Health Education England
Personal interests
I enjoy playing golf, traveling and astronomy.
Favourite quote
The wound is the place where the Light enters you. (Rumi, 1207-1273)
The Cambridge experience with buried bumpers
The natural history of prenatally diagnosed congenital cystic lung lesions: long-term follow-up of 119 cases
Congenital lung lesions: preoperative three-dimensional reconstructed CT scan as the definitive investigation and surgical management
Identification of novel genes in Hirschsprung disease pathway using whole genome expression study