My current role
I joined the Council of Governors in 2018 having been active as a member and attending the hospital as a patient, experiencing successful coordination across different departments at Addenbrooke's. With my first-hand experience of how combining expertise and research can provide successful patient outcomes, I am passionate in supporting the Trust to provide outstanding care and innovation in services that meet the evolving needs of the communities in our region. I work with the Trust on the Membership Engagement Strategy and the Clinical Ethics Advisory Group.
Previous history
With a technical consultancy and business background I have expertise in management, corporate governance, finance, budgeting/forecasting, marketing and sustainability. I have worked at a senior level delivering sustainability solutions to a range of industry sectors including government, energy, manufacturing and the finance sector.
The challenges our dedicated staff face in the current crisis are unprecedented; prioritising safety, mental health and continuous stress management in the workplace are vital. We must unreservedly support our front line colleagues in the face of the huge pressures to deal with the pandemic and transform the NHS care we provide.
Adele White
Personal interests
I am married with three grown up children, I run and cycle regularly and love practicing yoga.