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Welcome to the Children’s Day Case Ward, Hinchingbrooke Hospital

Patient information A-Z


‘Addenbrooke’s at Hinchingbrooke’ surgery allows children who require routine day surgery, but by a specialist paediatric surgeon, to be operated on at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. Prior to this, the child would need to come to Addenbrooke’s hospital for the surgery.

About the day case ward, Hinchingbrooke

We are the children’s day case ward caring for children aged from 1 to 16 years. We provide care for children attending hospital for surgical day case procedures with the aim of discharge home the same day.

Preoperative assessment

A nurse from the preoperative assessment team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital will contact you prior to your child’s surgery to carry out a telephone preoperative assessment to ensure that your child is fit and healthy for the procedure.

Car parking

As you arrive at Hinchingbrooke hospital, please turn to car parks sign posted 3 and 4. These car parks are barrier controlled and you will be issued with a token. You will need to pay for your parking at the time of discharge in the pay machines outside in the car park.

In the car park you will see a purple coloured building. The main doors to this building will be locked when you arrive at 07:30. Please walk along the right hand side of this building there is a blue door at the end. Enter the building via the blue door and walk up the stairs. The children’s day case ward is on the left at the top of the stairs.

On your arrival

  • Please report to reception and the ward clerk will take you and your child to their allocated bed space for the day.
  • The nurse will need to complete the admission paperwork, check your child’s temperature, pulse, and breathing rate and any other observations that are necessary. They will also need to be weighed.
  • The surgeon will come and see you to complete the consent form for your child’s surgery and your child also be seen by an anaesthetist.
  • The play leader will show you and your child around the ward and prepare you for the procedure by use of a “theatre story”.
  • If appropriate, we will apply a local anaesthetic cream to the back of you child’s hand in preparation for the anaesthetic.
  • Your child may go to theatre in their own pyjamas as long as they are clean, otherwise they will be given a theatre gown to wear on the day.

Plan of the day

When your child’s allocated theatre slot is ready, the porters will arrive on the unit to collect your child and take them to theatre. A member of staff from the unit will come with you.

One parent is allowed into the anaesthetic room to comfort your child whilst they are given the anaesthetic. The theatre nurse will then take you to the recovery area where you will receive details on where to come back to when your child is waking up from the anaesthetic and provide you with a bleep. The recovery nurses will bleep you when you are able to go to the recovery room – these will work throughout the hospital so you are able to go for a coffee and something to eat whilst you wait.

Upon return to the ward, close observation will be made of your child, including temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate.

Discharge home will be arranged once your child has had a drink, eaten (without vomiting) and passed urine and mobilising and is communicating appropriately.

Food and drink

We provide food and drink for your child; this includes sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, snack pots, toast and a variety of cereals.

If your child has any dietary requirements, please discuss this with your nurse at the time of the pre operative assessment telephone call.

There is a parents room where hot drinks can be made and you are able to wait there whilst you child has their operation. If you wish to bring a hot drink onto the ward please ensure it has a lid e.g. if from Costa or use the trays provided in the parents room.

Infection control

To help us prevent the spread of infections, we ask that all visitors use the hand sanitiser at the entrance to the ward on arrival and when leaving. If you or your visitors are unwell please do not come onto the ward as some of our patients are vulnerable to infections due to their illnesses. If you or any of your visitors have diarrhoea or vomiting please inform your nurse and prepare to go home. Visitors must be clear of infection for 48 hours.

Alcohol gel is provided throughout the ward. To help us prevent the spread of infection please use this on entering and leaving.

Post operative information (Print only)
Wound care instructions Enter information:
Medication instructions Enter information: Paracetamol last given at:

Ibuprofen last given at:
Who to call for advice if concerns arise Enter information: Call the nurse specialist team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital on 01223 586973 Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm.
If you have any concerns at the weekend or at night, please ring 01223 245151 and ask for the paediatric surgery or registrar on-call.
Please explain that your child has their surgery at Hinchingbrooke, but by an Addenbrooke’s surgeon.
Follow up instructions Enter information: Enter information:

Who to contact for further advice / questions

For clinical advice please telephone the paediatric surgery clinical nurse specialist team at Addenbrooke’s on: 01223 586973.

For questions regarding the booking of surgery or if you need to cancel your child’s operation please telephone the paediatric booking coordinators at Addenbrooke’s on: 01223 256276 /01223 348188.

For any general administrative queries please contact the paediatric surgery medical secretary at Addenbrooke’s on 01223 348162.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

Other formats

Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.

Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151