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Transfer of patients from the John Farman Intensive Care Unit to another hospital

Patient information A-Z

The Intensive Care Units (JF ICU and NCCU) in Cambridge are very busy and not only treat patients from the area around Cambridge, but also patients from the Eastern Region and nationally who require the specialist medical services that Addenbrooke’s provides.

When the demand for intensive care beds exceeds our capacity, it is sometimes necessary to transfer patients to other intensive care units. Wherever possible we try to keep patients at Addenbrooke’s and the critical care units work together to provide the critical care beds we need.

We will ensure that you are kept fully informed

We understand the impact that transferring a patient to another hospital can have on a family at such a difficult time. The decision about which patient should be transferred will be made by the consultants looking after your relative on the ICU and will carefully consider the care that they need and whether their clinical condition makes them suitable for transfer. We would only transfer a patient whose condition is stable. The consultants will discuss this with you, and you will be able to ask any questions that you may have. The reasons for the transfer will always be discussed with you.

We work closely with a network of other hospitals in the region to ensure that your relative will be transferred to a unit where they will receive the appropriate level of care. We will also try to transfer them to an appropriate hospital nearest to their home.

The transfer

Decisions often must be made at short notice and will be made by the duty ICU consultant along with the other consultant caring for your relative. The consultant will talk directly to the intensive care doctors at the receiving hospital to make sure they are aware of the medical problems. The transfer between hospitals will be made by a specialist critical care transfer team that includes an experienced critical care trained doctor and nurse and a highly equipped ambulance (the Adult Critical Care Transfer Service). All the relevant medical notes and results will be photocopied and taken with the patient.

We will provide information about the hospital that your relative will be transferred to and instructions about how to get there. Please take your time to get to the hospital and do not try to follow the ambulance. If necessary, the nurse in charge can arrange transport for you.

Please contact the unit on 01223 217494 if you have any concerns or if we can be of any further help.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151