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Spinal Range of Movement/Stretching Exercises

Patient information A-Z


Illustration of person tilting head to their left

While sitting or standing, tilt your ear towards your shoulder until you feel the stretch on the opposite side.

Hold stretch for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times


Illustraion of person moving head backwards

In sitting, move your head backwards as far as is comfortable.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.


Illustration of person turning head to the left

Turn your head to one side until you feel a stretch.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.


Illustration of person bending head forwards

Bend your head forward until you feel a stretch behind your neck.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.


Illustration of person leaning against back of chair with arms crossed

In sitting, leaning against the back rest, cross your arms and put your fingers on your shoulders.

Rotate your trunk with your head and shoulders leading.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.


Illustration of person lying face down lifting the upper body

Lying face down with both your hands at shoulder height, straighten your elbows and lift your upper trunk as far up as you can. Keep your pelvis and legs relaxed.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.

Illustration of person bending upper body to the left

Standing with your feet hip width apart, slowly slide hand down your outer leg, so you bend over sideways until you feel the stretch on the opposite side of your back.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.

Illustraion of person bending forwards

In standing, bend forward, keeping your head and shoulders relaxed.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times


Illustration of person lying on back with knees together and bent to the right

Lying on your back with knees together and bent, slowly roll your knees from side to side keeping your upper trunk still.

Hold for ___ seconds.

Repeat ___ times.


Illustration of person lying on back with knees bent and hands behind both knees, drawing them towards the chest

Lying with your knees bent and feet on the floor, lift your knees towards your chest.

Place your hands behind both knees and draw them towards your chest.

Hold___ seconds.

Repeat___ times.

Further exercises











Further advice

Please be aware that this handout is intended to be used as a guide. If you find these exercises painful please seek advice from your physiotherapist or GP.


Please contact Physiotherapy Outpatients on 01223 216633 to leave a message for your physiotherapist, or to enquire about appointments.

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Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151