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Spinal cord stimulator implant

Patient information A-Z

Important information when going home


Following your successful trial of spinal cord stimulator (SCS) therapy you have now had the full system implanted. The information below tells you what to avoid, what to look out for and what action to take if you think that you have any problems.

Before going home with the spinal cord stimulator - assessment

Ward staff will ensure your pain levels are acceptable to you, that you have tolerated food and drink, and passed urine.

The team will look at your wound dressings and make sure that they are clean. When you and the team are happy, you will be able to go home with follow -up appointment arranged.

When you are at home

It is important to avoid certain movements and activities when you go home with the newly implanted SCS, so certain movements and lifting are to be avoided for 6 weeks:

  • Do not raise your arms above your head
  • Do not twist, stretch or bend at the waist
  • Do not lift heavy items, eg nothing above 5lbs/2.5kgs
  • Avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time
  • Do not drive until you have six weeks post implant and have been advised it is safe to do so.


Infection, a blood clot and neurological damage from an implanted SCS system, are rare complications.

Because the electrode is placed close to the spinal cord, a collection of pus or a blood clot can cause pressure on the spinal cord. In the unlikely event of this, it is crucial to find and treat it as quickly as possible. This must be done by expert hospital doctors to prevent delays in treatment and long lasting damage.

Signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • Fluid leaking from the spinal cord stimulator site
  • Fluid leaking from the neurostimulator (internal battery) wound site
  • Redness, pus, tenderness, or pain at the spinal cord stimulator or neurostimulator wound site
  • Feeling generally unwell, despite there being no obvious reason
  • High temperature or neck stiffness
  • Numbness and/or weakness in your legs or arms, inability to weight bear
  • Difficulty passing water /incontinence of faeces
  • A headache that doesn’t improve with your usual treatment

What to do if you think there is a problem

If you experience any of the signs and symptoms listed above within the first 8 weeks following your SCS implant you should come to Addenbrooke’s hospital Emergency Department with this leaflet and your discharge summary. The on-call neurosurgical team will then be called to assess you and provide the necessary intervention and treatment.

If you are unsure you can contact the SCS nurses at the Pain Clinic Monday to Friday 08:30 to 16:00 on 01223 596476. Outside of these times you are advised to telephone 01223 216151 and ask for the on-call neurosurgical registrar.

An appointment will be made for you to return 1 week post implant

At this appointment the spinal cord stimulator team will make sure that your SCS system is working properly and programme the stimulator to provide therapy to the area of chronic pain agreed prior to implant. The team will also make sure you understand how to use the patient programmer and are confident to switch the device on and off, as well as change the strength of the stimulation, if applicable. You will also be shown how to use the charging system.

The team will look also remove your surgical dressings and assess the wounds.

Your SCS follow up appointment is on:

This appointment is to switch on your device and receive education on patient hand set and charging system. We will also review your surgical sites.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151