This information sheet is to tell you about radiotherapy to the prostate at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and how to prepare for your treatment. Your Doctor and Radiographer teams will be able to answer any further questions you have and to support you throughout.
Radiotherapy is treatment given using high energy X-Rays on machines called Linear Accelerators. Treatment is given every day Monday to Friday usually for four weeks.
Most patients attending for radiotherapy will have received a number of months of hormone treatment to shrink the prostate and increase the effectiveness of the radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy to the prostate is a treatment that most men tolerate well. It is given as an out-patient, it does not cause sickness or vomiting and you will be well enough to drive. If you are working we will try to arrange appointment times that will be convenient to you. Side-effects vary from person to person and are predominantly caused by the effects on the organs closest to your prostate gland i.e. your bladder and bowels (see diagram below)

All men at Addenbrooke’s receive radiation delivered using Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (to reduce side effects) and using Image-Guided techniques. This targets the moving prostate gland as accurately as possible everyday. There are different types of Image Guided Radiotherapy.One method includes the placement of three small gold seeds within your prostate. Your oncologist will discuss if this is suitable for you at your first appointment.
The first stage of your treatment will be a radiotherapy planning scan. Your treatment will usually begin within 2-3 weeks of this scan.
Preparing for radiotherapy to the prostate
Why do you need to prepare for the planning scan and treatment?
The information from this scan will be used to calculate how to deliver radiotherapy specifically for you. Opening your bowels regularly, especially before the planning scan and each daily treatment, means that the shape of your rectum and the position of your prostate remains in a similar position. If your rectum is full of faeces and/or gas during treatment, the position of the prostate can change making it difficult to accurately target.
You will be prescribed either tablet laxatives (Senna and Docusate) OR micro-enemas to start 2 days BEFORE your planning CT scan. You will be given separate information about this.
You will also need a comfortably full bladder for the CT scan and every treatment. This will limit the amount of bladder and bowel in the treatment area and may help reduce side- effects by improving treatment accuracy.
How do you prepare for your scan and treatment?
- Avoid foods or drinks that you know will produce gas/give you wind for at least 5 days before you come for your planning appointment and throughout your radiotherapy treatment. This could include fizzy drinks, beer, beans and pulses
- Aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres of fluids a day (excluding tea/coffee), spread throughout the day, to ensure healthy hydration
- Limiting caffeine intake to no more than 4 cups of tea/coffee a day can help reduce bladder irritation.
- Eat your meals as normal and do not skip meals. You do not have to starve before your scan or treatment.
- Try to open your bowels as soon as you feel the urge
- Taking regular physical exercise will help keep your bowels regular, eg a 30min walk each day.
- Continue to take your usual medication.
- Try to open your bowels on the morning of your planning scan appointment and, if possible, daily before each radiotherapy treatment session.
If you have any questions about these instructions, please contact Andrew Styling, specialist radiographer, on 01223 596330.
You will receive a letter advising you when the preparation for your treatment will begin. If you do not receive the letter, please contact Andrew Styling as above
Planning scan appointment
Plan to arrive 45 minutes before your planning scan appointment time
- On arrival in the department, please empty your bladder. You will be told when to start drinking. This means drinking 3 full cups of water in the space of 10 minutes, and holding your bladder.
- You will normally be scanned around 30 minutes from when you finish drinking. If you are very uncomfortable and need to empty your bladder, please do so but inform the radiographers.
- Please tell your radiographers if you have a urinary catheter. The catheter can be clamped in order to allow your bladder to fill as above.
- You will lie flat, on your back, on a firm couch with head and legs supported. This is also your treatment position.
- If your bowel is full of gas and/or faeces on scanning, you will be asked to visit the toilet to empty your bowel and you will then be re-scanned.
- After the scan is complete, the radiographers will seek your permission to mark your skin with 3 pinhead-sized permanent tattoos. These are to help with the accuracy of your treatment. The procedure is then complete. Your treatment appointments will be posted to you.
Radiotherapy treatment
You will need to follow the same bladder filling and bowel emptying procedure you established for your planning scan.
You will be positioned on the treatment couch. The radiographers will then leave the room to switch the machine on. Your position may be adjusted further after we have checked the position of your prostate each day with a scan.
Scans taken during radiotherapy treatment are to ensure accuracy. These scans cannot inform us of the response to treatment. This is done by regular monitoring of your PSA blood test in the years after radiotherapy treatment.
You will be alone in the room during treatment, but the radiographers will be monitoring you closely on CCTV. They can also speak to you via an intercom. If you need help, raise your arm. The machine can be switched off and the radiographers can return to the room to assist you. You will need to be on the treatment couch for 10-15 mins each day.
Please do not miss any treatments unless it is unavoidable and always let your team know if you have any queries.
Short–term side effects
Side effects vary between individuals. Most people notice some side effects during the second half of their course of treatment. These may continue after you have finished but will gradually improve after 4-6 weeks.
Bladder symptoms
Irritation of your bladder can lead to a temporary increase in the frequency of passing urine and a slowing of urinary flow, this is often worse at night. It can also cause burning or stinging when you pass urine. Drink plenty of liquid, at least 2 litres a day, but do not increase your tea, coffee or alcohol intake. We may wish to take a urine sample to rule out a urine infection, if you have moderate or severe bladder problems. Your radiographer or doctor will advise you if they feel it is necessary.
Bowel symptoms
Inflammation of your bowel can cause increased flatulence (wind), loose bowel motions and increased frequency of opening your bowels. You may also pass a small amount of blood or mucus or experience some discomfort in your rectum. You may have an urge to open your bowels but without actually passing anything. We may wish to give you extra dietary advice, tablets or steroid suppositories to ease the side effects.
You may become more tired as the treatment progresses. Take regular, gentle, exercise and ensure that you have adequate rest.
Skin reactions
Your skin may become a little uncomfortable or red in the treatment area. Do not use any cream or ointment in this area without checking with your Oncologist or radiographers first. This is not usual during prostate radiotherapy.
Late or permanent side effects
Late effects can be a continuation of the short-term side effects that you experienced, or can develop months, or less commonly, years after your treatment.
About 5% of patients experience a problem with their bladder after radiotherapy. This can be passing urine more frequently, which is usually not more than a minor inconvenience, or passing blood in their urine. If you do see blood in your urine you should report it to your G.P. Incontinence is very unlikely.
Many people (20-30%) will notice a minor change in their bowel habit following prostate radiotherapy but this is rarely troublesome. You may also pass mucus from your rectum. About 5% of patients will have more severe side effects (for example requiring tablets to help with diarrhoea or rectal bleeding requiring laser treatment). Faecal incontinence is rare.
Between 40% and 50% of men will experience problems achieving or maintaining an erection in the years following prostate radiotherapy. You will notice that the volume of fluid that you produce at ejaculation is reduced or even absent. You are unlikely to be able to father children after radiotherapy to the prostate gland, but should seek advice before discontinuing birth control precautions.
There is a rare risk of late radiation-induced second cancer.
At the time of your consent for your treatment your Oncologist may also ask for your permission to use image data obtained during your treatment preparation for research purposes. To speed up the preparation of radiotherapy treatment, we use computer software to recognise and mark out anatomical structures in your planning scans.
Researchers at Addenbrooke's Hospital and the University of Cambridge are working together to improve radiotherapy planning, by letting computers learn from the final plan that is prepared by your Oncologist.
How will I be followed up after the radiotherapy?
You will receive an appointment to see your Oncologist, in your local hospital, about 8 weeks after the radiotherapy has finished. If you have not received notification of that appointment 6 weeks after the end of your treatment please telephone your local hospital and ask to speak to your Oncology Consultant’s secretary.
The response of your prostate cancer to the hormone therapy and radiotherapy is assessed by PSA blood tests (not scans) Please have a blood test to measure your PSA one week before you see your Oncologist for your appointment.
Contact numbers
Andrew Styling, Specialist Radiographer 01223 596330 (has answer-phone)
Radiotherapy Reception 01223 216634
Privacy and dignity
Same sex bays and bathrooms are offered in all wards except critical care and theatre recovery areas where the use of high-tech equipment and/or specialist one to one care is required.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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