Introduction to the neuro-oncology service
Who is in the team?
The following people are in the team:
Professor Raj Jena – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (CNS Tumours and SRS lead)
Dr Fiona Harris – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (CNS Tumours and TYA lead)
Dr Marieke Thompson – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (CNS Tumours)
Dr Hannah Buckley – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (CNS Tumours)
Dr Sarah Jefferies – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (Skull Base Tumours)
Dr Simon Duke – Consultant Clinical Oncologist (Skull Base Tumours)
Lorraine Muffett – Neuro-Oncology Nurse Practitioner
Vasiliki Chronopoulou – Neuro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Asha Philip – Neuro‑Oncology Support Nurse
Kate Burton – Consultant Radiographer in Neuro-Oncology
Rosanna Stott – Specialist Stereotactic Radiotherapy Radiographer
Carrie Langham – Secretary
The neuro-oncology service:
- provides state of the art treatment for patients with the following diagnoses, as well as other rarer brain and spinal tumour conditions: gliomas, including both low and high-grade gliomas, meningiomas, brain metastases and benign and malignant skull base tumours
- has specialist expertise in stereotactic radiosurgery using the Novalis platform and delivery of craniospinal radiotherapy
- undertakes the care of teenage and young adult neuro-oncology
- offers access to neuro-oncology research with numerous clinical trials open at any one time covering the breadth of our neuro-oncology practice. We also have also links with the Phase I clinical trials unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital which runs early phase clinical trials.
We run a consultant-led service and make every effort for you to meet all members of the team. You will, however, have a designated consultant. As we are a teaching hospital, we also have registrars who work alongside us on a rotational programme.
Our clinics run on a Tuesday and Friday, with your main follow-up appointments being held on a Tuesday. Due to the pandemic, we now operate telephone and video consultations as well as the face-to-face appointments. For all consultations we recommend that you bring someone with you or have someone present. We understand that there can be a lot of information given at each appointment so if you do have any questions, we suggest that you bring a list of them with you. We aim to minimise the number of times you attend face-to-face clinics but would recommend this type of appointment if there are any concerns or if you are receiving scan results.
If you are aged between 16 and 24 years of age you will also have access to the teenage and young adult service. This team works alongside us and will contact you with their information and the ways in which they can support you.
Your pathway
The treatment pathway can vary for each patient but often entails radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Wherever possible we will also offer the opportunity to consider joining a clinical trial. Where possible you will meet your clinical nurse specialist at your first appointment, and you will then be signposted to the person who is your first point of contact for this part of your journey.
If radiotherapy is the next step for you, with or without chemotherapy, Kate will be your keyworker. Kate will be your first point of contact for non-urgent enquiries until the radiotherapy ends and for the next four weeks following this.
Once you return to follow-up clinic, your clinical nurse specialist will take over this role.
If chemotherapy or a trial drug is your next step, your clinical nurse specialist will be your keyworker. Following your radiotherapy, chemotherapy or trial treatment you will be followed up in a Tuesday clinic. Your clinical nurse specialist will be your first point of call for any non-urgent enquiries.
Trials unit
If you are entering a trial, then you will meet the trials team and be given their contact number. We would still recommend that you contact either Kate or your clinical nurse specialist in the first instance if you have concerns and then we can signpost you if needed to the trials team as well.
Who do I contact?
We will advise you on the most appropriate person to contact. The Oncology Outpatient Department works between the hours of 09:00 (9am) and 17:00 (5pm) Monday to Friday. Telephones have an answer machine that is checked regularly, and non-urgent queries can be left. If you need to speak to someone urgently then we advise you to call the Acute Oncology Service (AOS) 24-hour helpline for advice.
We do not recommend using personal emails but if you wish to contact us electronically then we would suggest signing up to MyChart to send non-urgent queries to the team.
Contact numbers
Acute Oncology Service 01223 274224 for urgent clinical queries.
Consultant Radiographer: Kate Burton
01223 216580 or 01223 245151
Monday to Friday 08:00 (8am) to 16:00 (4pm) for radiotherapy queries.
Clinical Nurse Specialist and Support Nurse:
01223 256676 or 01223 245151 Monday to Friday 08:00 (8am) to 16:00 (4pm) for chemotherapy and general queries.
Clinical Trials team 01223 216083
Secretary 01223 586705
Radiotherapy Reception 01223 216634
Chemotherapy Day Unit 01223 217099
Ward D9 01223 217707
Ward C9 01223 274222
Ward A3 01223 216305
Skull Base team Visit the Cambridge skull base unit website
Frequently asked questions
How can I access the team by electronic communication?
Please use MyChart (opens in a new tab) rather than individual email addresses. Responses should be within 48 to 72 hours. To sign up to MyChart please contact Oncology Reception 01223 216551.
What should I do about driving?
Please check the DVLA driving guidelines for your brain condition. It is your legal responsibility to do so at diagnosis and if there is a subsequent change in your condition.
When is my next MRI scan?
If you are expecting an MRI scan and have not received an appointment by four weeks before your clinic appointment please contact the MRI appointments desk on 01223 216667.
Do I need blood tests?
We usually do a set of baseline blood tests at your first consultation. If you require further blood tests for upcoming appointments, we will have explained this to you. Blood tests will always be needed if you are on chemotherapy as results will be required to prescribe your next dose. Blood tests can be undertaken within the hospital, at your GP practice or at the Newmarket Road Park and Ride site in Cambridge. On leaving your appointment the plan of where and when to go should be clear.
If you have your blood tests locally at your GP or another hospital, we will not receive these blood results automatically. Therefore, if you receive a call or text from your GP that something is low, please contact the Acute Oncology Service (AOS) immediately.
How would I access a second opinion if I wished to do this?
We understand that some patients may wish to seek second opinions from other neurosurgeons or neuro-oncologists. If you would like to consider this, please ask one of the team and we will help facilitate this for you by sending information electronically.
How will I access support?
All new patients should receive a folder with relevant information provided. You will then be given team contacts and specific information regarding your treatment.
Often at this point, it is overwhelming, but we do have many services that you can access either by referring yourself to a service or one of the team can refer you.
Service |
How to refer |
Service |
Maggies |
How to refer self or team |
Service Charity providing lots of support. Based on site. Orange booklet explains service. |
Macmillan pod in hospital |
How to refer self or team |
Service A service that provides lots of information within the department. This service can refer on to relevant teams for further support and advice. |
Community palliative care teams |
How to refer team or GP |
Service This service can provide specialist care. This team is based at a hospice and the nurses can visit you at home to support and advise you. |
Macmillan national helpline/ website |
How to refer self |
Service National helpline that will signpost you generally to services. |
This is a quick guide of all support services that can be accessed, if you are unsure of what is available, or you need further information, please contact Lorraine or Asha.
Privacy and dignity
Same sex bays and bathrooms are offered in all wards except critical care and theatre recovery areas where the use of high-tech equipment and/or specialist one-to-one care is required.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
Other formats
Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.
Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151