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Information for patients who are having a CT scan at Sawston Medical Centre

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Cambridge University Hospital has a CT scanner located at the Sawston Medical Centre. You are receiving this leaflet as your scan has been booked to take place at the Sawston CT unit.

A CT scanner uses x-rays to obtain images which will help the doctors plan your future treatment. The CT room is large. You will be lying on a couch which moves through a large hole in the middle of the scanner (like a polo mint). Most of the time you can see out of either one side or the other, and the radiographer who is doing the scan will be able to speak to you through a speaker.

How long will I be in the department?

This will depend on the type of scan you are having, but expect to be with us between 30 minutes to an hour. This includes preparation, explanation, scan and post-scan procedures.

What to do when you arrive

When you enter the Medical Centre from the road follow the signs to drive around the car park (anticlockwise) until you are facing the main road again and can turn left to drive down the side of the building (see map on page 3). Follow the road until you reach the end where you will find parking spaces for CT patients on the left hand side. You will see the CT unit behind some green fences with a path leading towards the CT unit’s doors (the grey and blue building).

Please knock on the main doors when you arrive and you will be greeted by one of the staff who will show you where to wait and book you in.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your appointment time due to the small waiting area on the unit.

Staff you are likely to meet

The Sawston CT unit is staffed by 2 CT Radiographers (from Addenbrooke’s) and they often have a clinical support worker with them.

Preparation for procedure/examination

  • Eat and drink normally before and after your scan unless the appointment letter gives you specific instructions.
  • Take all prescribed medications on the day of your scan as usual, unless otherwise advised on your appointment letter.

Please contact us in advance of your procedure/examination on 01223 217426 if:

  • you are pregnant
  • you are claustrophobic
  • you have kidney problems
  • you are unable to lie flat
  • you weigh 125kg or more
  • you need hospital transport
  • you have mobility issues.


CT examinations provide doctors with information to help them diagnose a variety of conditions. The examinations may help to confirm or rule out a suspected diagnosis, or occasionally identify a condition that was not suspected.


You have been referred for a CT examination to help make a diagnosis or monitor your treatment. A specialist in radiology agrees that this is the best test to answer the clinical question that has been asked and that the benefit of the examination is greater than the risk. The CT scan involves a dose of ionising radiation equivalent to a few months or years of natural background radiation which we are all exposed to every day. Ionising radiation can cause cell damage that may turn cancerous however the risk of this happening from your examination is considered low. The dose delivered will be kept as low as is practicable.

What will happen on the day of my examination?

  • This will depend on what type of CT examination you are having. The radiographer will explain the procedure to you before your scan.
  • Many CT examinations involve having an injection of contrast media (like a dye) to increase the quality of information obtained from the scan.
  • A small cannula may be inserted into a vein in your arm. The dye will be injected through this. It contains iodine and is not radioactive.
  • The injection usually causes nothing more than a warm feeling passing around your body.
  • Most scans last 10 to 15 minutes. You may be in the department for up to 30 minutes.
  • You might be given breathing instructions to follow during your scan.

Accessibility requirements

If you require support for your appointment, e.g. if you find it hard to hear, see or be understood by others, please let the healthcare professional know on arrival or contact us by emailing CUH accessibility or telephone: 01223 256998.

Pregnancy status

We have a legal responsibility to enquire if you are pregnant. Any patient aged between 12-55 years will be asked if there is a possibility they could be pregnant. This is important for us to know before you have your examination involving ionising radiation. You can discuss this with a healthcare professional in private if you wish.

Can I bring someone with me?

You can bring a relative or friend with you, however, they may be asked to wait elsewhere, as there is very limited waiting space inside the CT unit. Those accompanying you will not be allowed to stay in the examination room during the scan.

Childcare whilst in department

Staff are unable to look after or supervise children whilst your procedure/examination is taking place. Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children whilst you attend for your procedure/examination. If you attend an appointment with children with no one to look after them whilst you have your examination/procedure, then your appointment will unfortunately have to be cancelled and rescheduled.

Personal belongings

These can be brought into the examination room with you and the staff will indicate where to put them.

What happens after my procedure/examination?

  • Most people will be free to go home.
  • You may eat and drink as normal.
  • Continue to drink plenty of fluids for the remainder of the day, especially if you have been given an injection.

Possible side effects and additional aftercare

  • There are no immediate side effects to having a CT examination and no additional aftercare is required.
  • If you are given an injection during your scan this usually causes nothing more than a hot flush feeling passing around your body.
  • In rare cases some patients can feel a bit nauseous or itchy after having the injection but you will be asked to wait in the CT unit for 15 minutes after an injection to make sure you are feeling ok.
  • If you do have any concerns after your examination you can contact the CT department on 01223 217426.

How, when and by whom will my results be communicated?

The radiographer will check that all the images have been obtained but will not be able to give you the result at that time.

Imaging examinations are reported in order of clinical priority to ensure those with the highest urgency are reported first.

Your referring team or clinician will be responsible for communicating reports back to you.

Test result are made available via MyChart but there is 3 week delay from when an examination has been reported to when it is available on MyChart, in order to allow time for your clinical team to be able to see and action the results prior to them being released to the individual patient.

Are there any alternative tests?

There are a few different types of scan but a specialist in Radiology agrees that this is the best test to answer the clinical question that has been asked. If you would like to consider having a different type of examination you should contact your referring team or hospital clinician to discuss this.

Contacts/further information

  • If you do have any concerns about your examination you can contact the CT department on 01223 217426.
  • The department is open from 7am – 7.30pm, Monday to Friday, and from 8.30am-4.30pm on Saturdays.

Facilities available

There is a disabled toilet available just next to the CT unit and additional toilets are available within the medical centre.

  • There is a curtained changing area and lockers available if needed.
  • Wheelchairs can be borrowed from the medical centre entrance.
  • Baby changing facilities are available within the medical centre.
  • The CT unit is wheelchair accessible.

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  • Screen reader – option for all information on the website to be read aloud
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  • Styling and customisation – option to change the text, font style, size, colour and spacing so that the information is easier to read.
  • Reading aids – including a screen mask (tint) and magnifier to help make the information more accessible for all.

Directions to the department - CT scanner location at Sawston Medical Centre

Map of Sawston Medical Centre, labelled: CT scanner and reception (top right), entrance (bottom left) and car parking (bottom right)

A map is available from the Contact Us page of Granta Medical Practices website (opens in a new tab).

Address: London Road, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3HU

By Car

From Cambridge: Take the Trumpington Road (A1309) from central Cambridge and turn left onto the Shelford Road A1301. Go through Shelford and Stapleford and turn left towards Sawston. Go through the village and the Medical Centre is on the left 100 metres from Orchard House Residential Home.

From the south: Take the M11 North, junction 10, exit towards Newmarket / A505. At the second roundabout take the first exit towards Sawston A1301, then immediately take the first right (50 metres). The Medical Centre is on the right immediately after the traffic calming starts.

From the east: Take the A11 west and take the slip road for Royston A505. At the first roundabout take the third exit towards Sawston A1301, then immediately take the first right (50 metres). The Medical Centre is on the right immediately after the traffic calming starts.

There is free parking at the Medical Centre.

By Bus

The Citi 7 bus runs every 20 minutes and stops a short distance from the Medical Centre. It can be boarded at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, the Rail Station and Cambridge Bus Station.

By Rail

Whittlesford Parkway station is seven minutes from Cambridge and then a 45 minute walk to the Centre.

Question, concern or complaint

Firstly speak to your nurse, doctor or other staff member as soon as youcan so they can do their best to put things right straightaway.

If you don’t feel able to speak directly to the people caring for you, contact the patient advice and liaison service (PALS). Please call 01223 216756 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday, or email the PALS Team, or via a form available via link on the CUH PALS webpage.

PALS is open every weekday, and you can leave a message in the evenings and weekends.


We would encourage you to sign up for MyChart. This is the electronic patient portal at Cambridge University Hospitals that enables patients to securely access parts of their health record held within the hospital’s electronic patient record system (Epic). It is available via your home computer or mobile device

More information is available on the MyChart section on our website.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

Other formats

Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.

Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151