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Hand Therapy Theraputty Thumb Strengthening exercises

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Who is the leaflet for? What is its aim?

The aim of the leaflet is to provide information on strengthening exercises for the thumb which may be useful to you following your hand injury/ surgery.

The following exercises using therapy putty – ‘theraputty’ – will help to increase your thumb strength. When completing them, you may feel tightness or a pulling sensation. This is normal. If you experience a sharp pain, reduce the intensity of the exercises or stop for a couple of days to allow the pain to settle.

These exercises should only be completed when and how you are advised to do them by your therapist. They could harm to your recovery if they are done too early in the recovery process.

Image of hand squeezing theraputty. Full instructions are provided below.
Thumb IP joint flexion Hold the theraputty in your injured or weakened hand using a closed fist. Press your injured or weakened thumb into the theraputty for the count of 5 seconds before releasing. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of a hand holding theraputty. Full instructions are provided below.
Thumb press Place the theraputty in your palm at the crease of the small finger. Push thumb towards the palm. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty being held in both hands. Full instructions are provided below.
Lateral (key) pinch Hold the theraputty as if you were turning a key – between your thumb and side of your index finger. Pinch the theraputty until your thumb and index finger meet. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty being held with fingers and thumb. Full instructions are provided below.
Tripod pinch Hold the theraputty between your thumb, index and middle finger. Slowly pinch the theraputty until your thumb and fingers meet in the middle. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty being held with index finger and thumb. Full instructions are provided below.
Pure pinch Hold the theraputty between your thumb and index finger. Slowly pinch the theraputty until your thumb and finger meet in the middle. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty wrapped around finger and thumb. Full instructions are provided below.
Thumb abduction Wrap a tight loop of theraputty around the index finger and injured or weakened thumb and spread apart for the count of 5 seconds. The thumb can be stabilised against a table top if you find this helps. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty wrapped around the thumb. Full instructions are provided below.
Thumb extension Wrap the theraputty over the tip of the weakened thumb whilst it is bent at the bottom joint. Hold the loose ends of the theraputty in the palm. Straighten the thumb upwards. ______repetitions ______times per day
Image of theraputty between finger and thumb. Full instructions are provided below.
Thumb adduction On a firm flat surface, place the theraputty between your thumb and index finger. Push the thumb towards the index finger for a count of 5 seconds. ______repetitions ______times per day

My Chart

If you have not already done so, we would encourage you to sign up for MyChart. This is the electronic patient portal at Cambridge University Hospitals which allows patients to securely access parts of their health record held within the hospitals’ electronic patient record system (Epic). It is available via your home computer or smart phone.

If you are interested in this please let us know and we can provide information, or look on our website: My Chart (opens in a new tab)

Contacts/Further information

The Occupational therapy department is located in clinic 30 in the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre (ATC). The Occupational therapy reception telephone number: 01223 216769

References/ Sources of evidence

Davis DI, Baratz M (2010) Soft tissue complications of distal radius fractures. Hand Clinic. 26(2), 229-235.

LaStayo P, Winter K, Hardy M (2003) Bone healing, fracture management and current concepts related to the hand. Journal of Hand Therapy, (16), 81-93.

Mackin EJ, Callahan AD, Skirven TM, Schneider LH, Osterman AL (2002) Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity.5th Edn. Fractures and joint injuries of the hand.

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Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151