Welcome to Addenbrookes Oncology Centre. You have been referred to the gynae oncology team here at Addenbrookes for specialist treatment and follow up of your gynaecological cancer.
Who is in the team?
The following people are in the team:
- Dr Li Tee Tan Consultant Oncologist
- Dr Debbie Gregory Consultant Oncologist
- Dr Sarah Prewett Consultant Oncologist
- Dr Simon Duke Consultant Oncologist
- Katie Bradshaw Advanced Practitioner
- Alex Keating HDR Radiographer
We work very closely with surgeons ( Ms Bolton, Mr Baldwin, Mr Haldar, Mr Pathiraja and Mr Shiraz) and Medical Oncologists (Dr Brenton, Dr Parkinson, Dr Smith, Dr Ang) who deliver chemotherapy. A gynae-oncology multidisciplinary team meeting is held each Tuesday 13:00 to 15:30 which is video-conferenced to other hospitals within the network area (Addenbrooke’s, Hinchingbrooke, West Suffolk, Bedford, Peterborough). All cases are reviewed and treatment decisions made.
A gynae-oncology outpatient clinic is held (Friday 13:30 – 17:00) in the oncology centre. This is attended by Dr Tan, Dr Gregory, Dr Prewett, Dr Duke and/or an oncology specialist registrar. Katie Bradshaw attends the clinic to provide information and support. The clinic is for new referrals and for those patients who have completed treatment and are being followed up.
We recommend that you bring someone with you to clinic, as you may feel anxious or find that there is lots of information to understand. Please write down any questions you may have and bring them with you.
Who can I contact?
On visiting the clinic you will be given the name of the appropriate person to contact, if you have any queries. Here is a list of contact numbers. Most telephones have an answer machine, for non-urgent enquiries. The answer machine is checked regularly throughout the day (the answer machine for Katie Bradshaw will not be checked on a Thursday).
Katie Bradshaw 01223 256710
Secretary 01223 217074
Radiotherapy Reception 01223 216634
(Radiotherapy appointment queries)
Oncology Reception 01223 216551/216552
(Clinic appointment queries)
Oncology Day Unit 01223 217099
The above telephone numbers are for non-urgent enquiries.
Please feel free to contact Katie Bradshaw if you have any questions relating to your diagnosis, treatment or any other issues of concern.
If you have an urgent clinical query and/or weekends please contact the 24 hour helpline contact number for Oncology on 01223 274224.
Follow up after completion of treatment
Your follow up will be tailored to your needs. You may be asked to attend a clinic for a face to face consultation. This may be more appropriate at a hospital closer to your home. Some people will have their follow up over the telephone, instead of going to a clinic.
At follow up appointments you will be asked about your general health and well being and if you have symptoms that you are concerned about. A gentle internal vaginal and rectal examination may be carried out, with your permission.
Hopefully you will not have any associated problems in the future but unfortunately some people do. If you are worried or notice any new symptoms between appointments you must let us know as soon as possible. You don’t have to wait until your next appointment. The contact telephone numbers are detailed above.
When should I see my GP
It is important to remember that you will still get coughs / colds / aches and pains / stomach bugs just like anyone else. Your GP will be happy to treat any such problems. If they are concerned about your symptoms, they can contact us for further advice.
Please remember, if you have any worries/concerns, we recommend that you phone us to seek advice or support.
Cancer Navigator team
Your Gynaecological Cancer Navigator works in a non-clinical role alongside the multi-disciplinary team to help provide information and support to patients with a gynaecological Cancer Diagnosis.
Support includes but is not limited to:
Information on how to manage practical concerns for example diet, fatigue and exercise.
Signposting to support groups.
Referrals for emotional support.
Financial support. This can include referrals to the Macmillan Benefits Advice Service and applications for a Macmillan Grant.
The navigator is available on 01223 274801 or via email - CUH Navigators. Alternatively, please direct postal queries to Oncology, Box 193, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ.
Privacy and dignity
Same sex bays and bathrooms are offered in all wards except critical care and theatre recovery areas where the use of high-tech equipment and/or specialist one to one care is required.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
Other formats
Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998. www.cuh.nhs.uk/contact-us/accessible-information/
Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151