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General stability exercises

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Important Message:

These exercises are all about precise small movements. They should be slow and controlled and when doing them really make sure you are thinking about your position. Ideally they should be performed in front of a mirror to begin with until you have the proper technique.

In each exercise there will be a description in bold of the specific place to think about, but if in doubt then ask your physiotherapist.

  1. Single leg stance (Standing on one leg)

Stand in front of something stable (like a sink).

Stand on one leg and try to keep your balance.

Gradually reduce the amount you are holding on,

until you can stand on one leg without holding on.

Make sure your hips stay level.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person with their right hand on the wall beside them and their right knee bent up in front of them.
Single leg stance (Standing on one leg)

2. Unilateral Heel Raises (one leg tip toes)

Start with the exercise above, standing on one leg.

Then keeping your knee straight, push up onto

your tip toes as far as you can and then slowly

lower back to the floor.

Make sure your hips stay level.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person holding on to the back of a chair in front of them with their left foot lifted off the floor behind them.
Unilateral Heel Raises (one leg tip toes)

3. Single knee dips (one leg knee bends)

Standing on one leg with something to hold onto,

slowly bend your knee, aiming your kneecap over

your third toe. Just go as far as you can and then

slowly stand back up. Keep your back upright.

Make sure your hips stay level.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person standing on a stool with their right leg slightly bend and their left leg slightly lifted in front of them.
Single knee dips (one leg knee bends)

4. Hip / Bottom exercises (clam shell)

Lying on your side with your knees bent up.

Keep your ankles together and your back straight.

Slowly lift your top knee towards the ceiling and

then lower back to the start.

Don’t let your hips or body roll back.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person lying on their left side, raising their right knee towards the ceiling
Hip / Bottom exercises (clam shell)

5. Lie on your back with your knees bent up, feet

hip width apart. Tighten your bottom muscles to

lift your bottom up towards the ceiling, keeping

your back straight.

Make sure your pelvis is level.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person lying on their back with their knees bent towards the ceiling and their lower back raised from the ground.
Basic Bridge

6. Unilateral bridge

Start as with the exercise above. Lift your bottom

off the bed and then slowly straighten one leg out in

front of you. Hold for as long as indicated below

and return to starting position.

Make sure your pelvis is level.

Hold for ___seconds. Repeat ___times

Illustration of a person lying on their back with a cushion behind their head, right leg bent at the knee and left leg straight out in front of them, their lower back and bottom raised from the floor
Unilateral bridge

Further advice

Please be aware that this handout is to be used as a guide. If you find these exercises painful please seek advice from your physiotherapist or GP.


Please contact clinic 6 reception on 01223 216410 to leave a message for your physiotherapist, or to enquire about appointments.

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Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151