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Exercises for patients before and after a hip injury or operation

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Exercises to strengthen your hip

Repeat x 10

This exercise is for your circulation. Lying or sitting with your back supported, bend and straighten your ankles briskly.

Diagram of the ankles

Repeat x10

This is a further circulation exercise. Whilst lying or sitting with your back supported, now circle your ankles in each direction.

Diagram of the ankles

Repeat x10

Lie in a comfortable position. Tighten your thigh muscles by pushing your knee down on to the bed and pulling your toes up towards you, keeping your knee straight. Hold for five seconds, then repeat.

Diagram of a person tightening thigh muscles

Repeat x10

Lying on your back or sitting in a comfortable position. Squeeze your buttock muscles tightly together. Hold for five seconds then repeat.

Diagram of a person squeezing buttock muscles

Repeat x10

Lie in a comfortable position. Bend your knee up towards you, keeping your heel close to the bed. Lower slowly.

Diagram of a person bending knees

Repeat x10

Whilst lying in a comfortable position keep your knee straight and slide your leg towards the edge of the bed and back again. Do not roll your leg outwards; your toes should always point to the ceiling.

Diagram of a person sliding the leg

Repeat x10

Whilst sitting on a chair with your thigh fully supported. Tighten your thigh muscle and raise your foot until the leg is fully straight. Lower slowly.

Diagram of a person raising the foot

Repeat x10

Operated leg only – Standing in an upright position with your upper body still, holding onto something fixed for balance. Move your leg sideways away from your body and then back to the centre. Move in a controlled manner keeping your kneecap facing forwards.

Diagram of a person moving leg sideways

Repeat x10

Operated leg only – Standing in the same position as for the above exercise. Move your leg forwards and upwards bending at both the hip and the knee towards a 90° angle, but no further. Slowly lower the leg to the ground and repeat.

Diagram of a person moving leg forwards and upwards

Repeat x10

Operated leg only – Standing in the same position as the previous two exercises. Keeping your knee straight move your leg directly backwards as far as comfortably possible and then back to the starting position. Keep your upper body still throughout the exercise.

Diagram of a person moving the leg directly backwards

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NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151