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Enhanced Recovery Programme: Information for patients and families

Patient information A-Z


Coming into hospital to have major surgery is stressful. Fear of the unknown and a loss of control are both factors cited by our patients, and the aim of this document is to give you and your family relevant information about what to expect. It also gives you achievable targets for your recovery so you can monitor your progress and help influence the outcomes. We hope you find it useful. We are committed to continuous improvement and your feedback about your experience is welcome.

Peter Safranek
Peter Safranek - Clinical lead for Upper GI Surgery

Finding the wards

Ward L2

Ward L2 can be found on the ground floor of the Addenbrooke’s treatment centre (ATC). From the main hospital entrance, to access the Atrium and the ATC reception desk, continue down the ‘museum’ corridor on level 2, walk past the Rosie turning and into the Atrium.

If you are visiting a patient who is likely to be hospitalised for two weeks or more, you can get a discounted parking ticket from the main reception. This allows you to exit from the car parks for 14 consecutive days from the day you validate the ticket.

Enquiries: 01223 256584

Overnight Intensive Recovery Unit (OIR)

The main recovery unit can be found on level three at the entrance of the Main Theatre department. Overnight Intensive Recovery (OIR) is located within Recovery. Access is via security swipe cards and automatic doors.

Visiting: Open visiting. Please call the OIR before coming in.

Maximum of two visitors per patient.

Enquiries: please call 01223 256054

Critical care high dependency area

Enquiries: 01223 217873

About the ward

The critical care high dependency area is a nurse-led unit with all patients admitted remaining under their current medical teams. The critical care high dependency area provides close monitoring during the initial period after major surgery, for patients stepping down from intensive care or for patients entering an acutely ill phase. The Critical care high dependency area is located on Wards D3 and D4.

Ward Numbers:

D3- 01223 217494

D4- 01223 348144

For security, there is an intercom at the ward door.

Visiting times: 12:00-19:00

Patients can tire if they have too many visitors. If the patient is not well enough, the nurse in charge might ask visitors to restrict the length of their visit. To help us prevent the spread of any infections, we ask visitors to use the hand rub at the entrance to the ward on arrival and on leaving.

All patients are tested for MRSA on admission to the Critical care high dependency area. We will take every precaution to prevent the spread of infection during your stay. We ask that to reduce the risk of infection the belongings that patients bring into the ward are kept to a minimum.

You will be reviewed at least daily by your own team of doctors. Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any further information regarding your progress. During out of hours (after 17:30 and at weekends) there will be an ‘on call’ team on duty.

As your condition improves and you no longer need the close monitoring, you will be transferred to a ward. You may notice at first that there are fewer nursing staff and less equipment. However, this is a natural progression towards discharge from hospital. Unfortunately, due to emergency admissions, you may be transferred to a ward at short notice and at any time of the day or night.

Ward M4

Ward M4 can be found on level 4 of the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre. From the main hospital entrance, to access the Atrium and the ATC reception desk, continue down the museum’ corridor on level 2, walk past the Rosie turning and into the Atrium.

The passenger lifts are situated across the Atrium on the right hand side, opposite the new Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) office.

Located off the Atrium are two sets of stairwells; one is located through the set of double doors adjacent to the passenger lifts, the other is situated on the other side of the Atrium opposite the payphones.

Take the stairs or lift to level 4. The reception desks for ward L4 and M4 are located in the hall outside of the lifts.



Visiting times: 11:00 to 20:00

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.

Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151