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Discharge Planning Terms Explained

Patient information A-Z

Reablement (RBT)

Available for patients who live in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk and Bedfordshire

RBT - is a short-term service to assist 'enable' patients to get back to their original baseline. This means that the patient will be transferred, usually back to their usual home or more rarely back to a family member or friend’s house. Sometimes patients will be transferred home with a microenvironment which means they will be living upstairs or downstairs, usually in one room and for example simply transferring from bed to chair, chair to commode or to the toilet. This usually means that a bed will need to be brought downstairs until the patient’s mobility has improved.

Depending on the patient’s individual care and therapy needs RBT can range from one carer visiting once daily to a maximum of two carers visiting four times per day. Overnight care is not offered. This service is available for up to 4 weeks.

Intermediate Care Therapy (ICT)

Available for patients who live in Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire

ICT - is a short-term service to assist 'enable' the patients back to their original baseline with additional therapy input - therapy do not visit daily and the frequency of visits by therapy will be discussed with the patient on an individual basis (up to 4 weeks).

This means that the patient will be transferred, usually back to their usual home or more rarely back to a family member or friend’s house. Sometimes patients will be transferred home to a micro-environment which means they will be living upstairs or downstairs, usually in one room and for example simply transferring from bed to chair, chair to commode or to the toilet. This usually means that a bed will need to be brought downstairs until the patient’s mobility has improved.

Depending on the patient’s individual care and therapy needs. ICT can range from one carer visiting once daily to a maximum of two carers visiting four times per day. Overnight care is not offered.

Inpatient Rehabilitation (IPR)

Available for patients who live in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk and Bedfordshire

If you are discharged to an IPR facility this means that you will be temporarily transferred to a community inpatient service until you have reached your therapy goals and are ready to be transferred home for the next stage in your recovery.

The rehabilitation aim is to help patients achieve a level of independence, achieved with the support from the team of doctors and nurses, physiotherapist, and occupational therapist, who work with the patient to help them achieve realistic goals. When being transferred to an IPR facility patients do not receive therapy several times a day however the therapy plan should be also undertaken by the nursing staff.

It is important to be aware that we are happy to put a preferred IPR location but we are unable to make a guarantee of facility. When consenting to IPR patients consent to the referral and process, rather than the location of the service.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151