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Discharge advice and information following a procedure through the pain clinic

Patient information A-Z

Discharge advice and information following a procedure through the pain clinic

Please read this leaflet carefully.

For the next 24 hours you are advised:

  • Not to drive your car.
  • If you have had sedation you are advised to not operate machinery, drink alcohol or sign legally binding documents.
  • To take all your tablets as normal.
  • To eat and drink normally.
  • To be prepared to take the next day off work depending on how you feel.

What to expect after your procedure

It is entirely normal to feel a little bruised after your procedure today. Even if you feel very comfortable, it is very important that you are careful with your activities for the rest of the day, and you may even need to reduce your normal level of activity. In particular, be careful not to lie, sit or stand in any position for too long. As a general rule, try to avoid doing activities that you would not normally be able to do.

For up to 24 hours after your injection the local anaesthetic portion of the injection may still be active. You might not be able to detect when you are causing more pain in the location of your pre-existing pain until the local anaesthetic dissipates. Your pain may flare up over the next few days if you overdo activities during this time. It is important that you continue to pace your activities and take all of your regular pain medications as prescribed by your GP.

Although you may feel sore following the procedure, it is safe to gradually re-introduce exercise and increase activities 24 hours after your injection. It is normal to have some bruising and experience some tenderness around the injection site/s for a few days afterwards. Use your pain as a guide and start gentle daily exercise, increasing the exercises by a small amount each day.

If a flare-up of your pain does occur this will settle down over the next few days / weeks. Take your pain medications and reduce your level of activity for one to two days until pain has settled. If you are not currently taking anything for pain relief you might wish to take simple pain relieving tablets. When the flare-up settles, you can restart building up your exercises and activities.

If you are not currently taking any medication for pain relief you might wish to take simple pain relieving tablets; this can be discussed with your local pharmacist for expert advice. When the flare-up settles you can restart building up your exercises and activities.

A follow-up appointment with one of the specialist nurses or consultants will be sent to you to review the outcome from your procedure today. Alternatively, you may have been signed up for the FAST app (Flexible Activity and Symptom Tracker) at your initial appointment with the consultant. If you have consented for the FAST app, you will be contacted by your consultant regarding your treatment outcome.

How much your pain has been relieved by?

  • 100% (Pain not changed)
  • 75%
  • 50%
  • 25%
  • 0% (Pain has gone)

How long the pain relief lasted?

  • Pain relief received
  • 12 hours Pain relief
  • three days Pain relief
  • two weeks Pain relief
  • four weeks Pain relief continues

Has any stiffness or mobility improved since the procedure?

Yes / No

Please use this sheet to record the information following your treatment which will be discussed at your follow up appointment.

One of the specialist nurse will review your treatment outcome and devise a plan with you regarding further management of your pain. Your nurse might offer you a further consultant appointment if deemed appropriate.

If you experience unusual symptoms such as a marked increase in pain around the injection site, fever, severe headache, new symptoms of pins and needles, new muscle weakness in your arms and legs, or you are very concerned about how you feel after the procedure contact 111 immediately. For less urgent / general advice, please consider contacting the pain clinic on 01223 806000 between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00; however, please note that we are not an emergency service.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

Other formats

Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.

Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151