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Bone graft from hip

Patient information A-Z

This leaflet is designed to support your understanding of your forthcoming treatment and contains answers to many of the common questions. If you have any other questions that this leaflet does not answer, or would like any further explanation, please ask your surgeon.

What is a hip graft?

One of the most straightforward ways of filling in a hole in a jaw bone is to use bone from the hip. A ‘hip graft’ involves collecting bone from the pelvis above the hip joint. You can usually feel the area of bone that will be used since it forms a bony lump some six inches (20cm) above and in front of the hip joint.

What does the surgery involve?

A cut will be made through the skin next to the section of bone that will be removed. The length of the cut depends on how much bone is required. If only a small amount of bone is required, the cut may only be a couple of inches long.

What will the area be like once the bone has been removed?

At the end of the operation the incision will be carefully stitched together with dissolving stitches. Dressing tape and a shower-proof dressing will be applied. Usually, you will not be able to tell that there is any bone missing from the hip. If a large amount of bone is removed you may be able to feel the defect.

What can I expect after the operation?

  • The hip tends to be sore for at least a few days, even if only a small amount of bone has been collected.
  • If large amounts of bone have been removed, the area may be sore for a couple of weeks.

How long will I be in hospital?

Your length of stay depends not only on your hip graft but also on the other procedures that you have had carried out at the same time. You should expect to stay in hospital definitely overnight and potentially up to a couple of days.

Do I need to do anything when I get home?

  • A dressing will have been put over the hip wound after surgery.
  • You can shower over the dressing. If the dressing gets wet, you can gently pat over it to dry. The dressing over the area can be removed in the shower or bath 10 days after the operation. The scar should then be moisturised and massaged from the second week after your operation to help settle the scar.
  • There are no stitches to be removed as they are buried under the skin.
  • You cannot drive, operate machinery or sign legal documents for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic.
  • If you find walking difficult when you get home, you may also not be able to drive for a while. It is only safe to drive again when you can safely perform an emergency stop in your vehicle.
  • We advise no swimming for four weeks and no contact sports for six weeks.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151