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Activity in daily life for patients undergoing investigations for suspected lung cancer

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We are inviting patients to undertake some pre-treatment actions whilst undergoing investigations for lung cancer. The medical team will assess you as part of your appointment and with the support and advice of your Clinical Nurse Specialist the actions will help you to improve your health and fitness levels prior to any treatment that you may require.

There are great benefits to be had both physically and psychologically from staying active. Tasks such as carrying shopping, doing housework, playing games with children, walking the dog or doing DIY all count as physical activity.

You do not need any special equipment and you can make it part of your everyday routine.

For more information please contact:

Lung Cancer Specialist Nurses

Addenbrooke’s Team: 01223 217541

Papworth Team: 01223 638322

Other Team: ________________________


It is an easy low impact way to start to become active.

It is very good for your heart and lungs and can strengthen your muscles and bones.

It can be part of everyday life and you can increase your activity gradually. For example, you could walk further or faster or change your route to include more uphill routes.


It can be relaxing and give you a sense of achievement to watch flowers bloom or eat homegrown vegetables.

It can be as gentle as you want, and you can build up gradually.

You can garden with family or friends.

Getting back into sport

Sports such as Badminton, tennis, swimming and squash are full body activities and good for all ages.

Bowls – improves strength.

Cycling – gentle on the joints, helps to protect the heart and good for the lungs.

Golf – good for flexibility and there are various other sports out there for different abilities.

Before undertaking any new high-impact activity, please seek advice from a healthcare professional to check that it is safe to do so. Especially if you are due to start any cancer treatment.

Being safe when active

  • If you are worried about balance, avoid uneven surfaces or situations where you might slip or trip.
  • Walk in comfortable but strong shoes.
  • Protect yourself in the sun. Use a sun cream with a high protection factor (at least SPF 30).
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take care if you are bending down or lifting anything.
  • Use a garden kneeler or a cushioned pad to make kneeling while gardening more comfortable. Wear gardening gloves to protect your hands.
  • If you worried about anything, get advice from your GP or cancer specialist.

Getting started

If you were active before, try not to worry if you are not at the level you once were. Start slowly and build up gradually.

If there is an activity you would like to do, you can contact your local government websites to see what is available in your area. You could join a local group or club.

Get active with friends or family.

Park the car a little further away from where you need to go or get off the bus a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way.

Take the stairs instead of the lift, even if it is just part of the way.

If you have low immunity, check with your GP before you start gardening; soil contains bacteria that could lead to infection.

Be creative, if you do not have access to things such as a garden or sports centre you could use local parks for exercise or allotments/window boxes for gardening.

Please ask your Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist Nurse (contact details at the front page of this leaflet) for more detailed information.

With thanks to the Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Department © June 2020. All rights reserved.

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Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151