Patient information A-Z
- Abdomen vascular ultrasound scan
- Abdominal pain in children - advice for parents/carers
- Abdominal pain in men: Discharge advice
- Abdominal pain in women: Discharge advice
- Abdominal surgery: Advice following
- ABPI (walking / treadmill test): Pre- and post-exercise
- Abscess or haematoma drainage
- Acarizax treatment for patients with severe house dust mite allergy
- ACE Inhibitors
- Achilles tendinopathy management advice
- Achilles tendon rupture
- Achilles tendon rupture: management and rehabilitation
- Acid reflux and your voice
- Acinetobacter
- Acoustic neuroma removal: Going home after
- Acquired brain injury (ABI): Recovering
- Acromegaly: Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
- Activity diary
- Activity in daily life for patients undergoing investigations for suspected lung cancer
- Acute injury management (sprains and strains) PRICE guidelines
- Acute Leukaemia: Nurse-led Telephone Clinic
- Acute subdural haematoma (aSDH)
- Addenbrookes@Home: Helping patients get home quicker
- Adenoidectomy
- Adrenal gland: Radical removal
- Adrenal venous sampling
- Aerochamber and mask for an infant/child using the tidal breathing method
- Aerochamber plus: How to use in one breath
- Aerochamber plus with the tidal breathing method: How to use (child or young adult)
- After birth: Information for parents in hospital, on what to expect in the first six hours
- Airway Clearance (Acapella)
- Airway clearance: active cycle of breathing technique (ACBT)
- Airway clearance (Aerobika)
- Airway Clearance (Flutter)
- Alfacalcidol capsules (One-Alpha®)
- Allergic reactions (Child): Emergency treatment
- Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Service
- Alpha-blockers
- Alpha mannosidosis
- Alveolar Bone Graft
- Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) in Children (Parent information)
- Ambulatory Blinatumomab infusion: information for parents/carers
- Ambulatory ECG Monitor
- Ambulatory EEG
- Ambulatory IV antibiotics delivered by an elastomeric pump for cancer patients
- Amiloride
- Amiodarone
- Amniocentesis
- Anaesthetic and pre-operative information
- Anal dilatation in children
- Anal fissures
- Anal Fissures in children
- Analgesia: Patient controlled
- Andrology leaflet - analysis and test results
- Andrology services at Cambridge IVF and Ipswich IVF - a user guide
- Angiogram/ angioplasty
- Angiography / angioplasty / stent and stent graft of mesenteric and transplant vessels - A guide for patients
- Angioplasty - A guide for patients
- Angio-seal – advice for patients following insertion of an angio-seal
- Angiotensin II inhibitors
- Ankle brachial pressure indices test
- Ankle - Exercises after injury or surgery
- Ankle foot orthoses (AFO's)
- Ankle fracture - Weber A and Weber B
- Ankle injury care
- Ankle sprain: Discharge advice
- Ankle sprains and avulsion fractures
- Ankle sprains and avulsion fractures in children
- Ano-rectal malformation (ARM) in boys
- Ano-rectal malformation (ARM) in girls
- Antegrade continence enema (ACE): surgical formation and continuing care in children
- Antegrade Ureteric Stent Insertion - A guide for patients
- Antenatal hand expression
- Antenatal information for parents and carers
- Antenatal perineal massage
- Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction rehabilitation
- Anterior deltoid re-training
- Anti-embolic stockings (AES)
- Anti-histamine tablets (non-sedating)
- Antihistamine tablets (sedating)
- Anti-reflux surgery: Dietary advice after surgery
- Aphasia
- Apicectomy (removal of root tip infection): FAQ
- Appendicitis in children – information for parents and carers
- Arginine stimulation test (with copeptin measurement)
- Arm - Humeral shaft fracture
- Arm - Proximal humerus fracture
- Arm - Proximal humerus fracture in children
- Arm veins ultrasound scan (deep vein thrombosis - DVT scan)
- Arterio Venous Fistula (AVF) as an access for haemodialysis
- Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) care after surgery
- Arteriovenous fistula operation: Consent information
- Arthroscopy of the jaw joint
- Artificial Oocyte Activation (AOA) with Calcium Ionophore
- Artificial testicle insertion
- Artificial urinary sphincter in men
- Artificial urinary sphincter in women
- Ascites in advanced liver disease: information for patients needing an indwelling (Rocket) peritoneal catheter
- Aspirin (Cardiology)
- Assessment Clinics information: Clinical Recall appointments
- Assessments under anaesthetic for your child
- Asthma attack (children)
- Asthma: Weight management
- Atropine eye drops: Inserting your child's eye drops at home
- Atropine occlusion: Instillation of drops
- Audiology: Communication tactics for everyone
- Audiology: Relaxation
- Auditory Brainstem Implants
- Autoimmune Disorder: Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia - information for newly diagnosed patients
- Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
- Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
- Azathioprine and mercaptopurine for autoimmune hepatitis
- Azathioprine: Information for parents of children prescribed
- Baby Friendly Initiative Parent Questionnaire
- Back mobility exercises
- Back pain
- Back pain management programme: Assertiveness worksheet
- Back pain management programme: Goal setting
- Back pain management programme: Managing and maintaining changes
- Back pain management programme: Relaxation
- Back pain management programme: Stretches
- Back pain management programme: Thoughts, feelings and behaviour
- Balance exercises for cardiac rehabilitation
- Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO) in boys – Information for parents and carers
- Balloon retained gastrostomy tube (BGT): Looking after yours
- Balloon retained gastrostomy tube (Mic-G) in children
- Barium leaflet and certificate for paediatric patients
- Baselines (measuring)
- Benign nocturnal idiopathic limb pains
- BEP Chemotherapy (3 day regimen) - Treatment for good prognosis metastatic germ cell tumour of the Testis
- BEP Chemotherapy (5 day regimen) - Treatment for germ cell tumour of the Testis
- Bereavement counselling and follow up service
- Bereavement: Information and guidance following your bereavement
- Beta-blockers after a heart attack
- Beta-blockers for angina
- Beta-blockers for heart failure
- Beta-blockers for hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Bevacizumab (Avastin) in NF2 (NF2-related schwannomatosis)
- Bifid Uvula and Submucous Cleft Palate
- Bile duct: going home with an external drain
- Biofeedback therapy for children with bladder and voiding problems
- biologic or biosimilar medicine (starting)
- Birth after caesarean patient information
- Bisphosphonate infusions (pamidronate and zolendronic acid) for children: a guide for parents
- Bladder and voiding problems in children
- Bladder Cancer: Radiotherapy treatment
- Bladder care and management
- Bladder diary - for children and young persons
- Bladder Radiotherapy with Carbogen and Nicotinamide
- Bladder training: frequently asked questions
- Bladder tumour resection
- Bleeding disorders (children): Tranexamic Acid and its use
- Blepharitis
- Blepharitis - parent information
- Blepharoplasty
- Blood being taken: Information for worried patients
- Blood clots (VTE) in young people aged 13-17: Reducing the risk
- Blood tests (11+ years)
- Blood tests (6-10 years)
- Blood test (Under 6 years)
- Blood transfusion: Information for patients who have been discharged within 24 hours of transfusion
- Body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more: Information for pregnant women
- Body Plethysmography
- Bone biopsy
- Bone conduction hearing device (BCHD) and middle ear implant (MEI): Looking after yours
- Bone graft from hip
- Bone grafting for dental implants
- Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell donation - information for donors
- Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy
- Botulinum toxin injection for blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids)
- Botulinum toxin injections into the bladder
- Bowel conditions: Low fibre diet
- Bowel control
- Bowel control problems: Exercises
- Bowel leakage management
- Bowel leakage (managing): Anal Plug
- Bowel management: Physiotherapy
- Bowel preparation with Plenvu - afternoon appointment
- Bowel preparation with Plenvu and oral antibiotics prior to bowel surgery
- Bowel preparation with Plenvu - morning appointment
- Bowel problems: Skin care
- Bowel surgery: Neomycin usage prior to surgery
- Bra advice for patients following breast reconstruction
- Brain aneurysm: Elective treatment by coil occlusion or stent
- Brain Aneurysms: An overview
- Brain Dopamine Transporter Study (NSKIO)
- Brain tumours (children): Speech, language and communication difficulties
- Brain tumours: DVLA driving regulations
- Brain tumours (living with): Discharge advice / follow up
- Brain tumours (living with): Taking steroids
- Brain tumours (living with): Undergoing neurosurgery
- Breast biopsy: Receiving telephone follow-up results
- Breast excision: Therapeutic vacuum
- Breastfeeding Support - after you have gone home from the Rosie Hospital
- Breast implants - Patient information for women who have breast implants
- Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Breast milk and your premature baby
- Breast needle biopsy: what happens next?
- Breast radiotherapy
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast screening for women at moderately increased risk of breast cancer due to family history
- Breast Unit assessment clinics
- Breathing control advice
- Breathing exercises
- Breathing exercises in the treatment of hyperventilation
- Breathing games for children with cystic fibrosis
- Breathing pattern disorders and physiotherapy
- Breathing pattern disorders - an overview
- Breathing techniques to ease breathlessness (leaflet 3)
- Breathing thinking functioning (BTF) approach (Leaflet 1)
- Breathlessness: Hand-held fans (leaflet 2)
- Breathlessness intervention service (BIS)
- Breathlessness: Managing thoughts about breathlessness (Leaflet 5)
- Breathlessness: Physical activity and exercise (leaflet 7)
- Breathlessness: Positions for easing (Leaflet 4)
- Breathlessness: Relaxation and mindfulness (leaflet 6)
- Breathlessness: Relaxation and mindfulness scripts (leaflet 9)
- Breathlessness: ten tips for managing
- Bronchial artery embolisation - A guide for patients
- Bronchial thermoplasty
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchiectasis and Physiotherapy
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchoscopy
- Bronchoscopy - Parent Information
- Buckle fracture of the arm / wrist (paediatric): Discharge advice
- Bulevirtide for the treatment of chronic hepatitis D - Patient and drug information leaflet
- Bung weekly changing and administering factor via a Hickman line
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Burns advice
- Button battery ingestion in children Advice for parents and carers
- Buttonhole Cannulation Technique
- Bypass graft of the leg
- Bypass graft ultrasound scan
- CADASIL - a guide for patients and families
- Caesarean birth: A guide to anaesthesia
- Caesarean scar pregnancy (CSP)
- Caesarean section - Enhanced recovery pathway
- Caesarean section wound care
- Calcaneal fracture
- Calcification: Recall to Assessment Clinic
- Calcium acetate tablets (Phosex®)
- Calcium, vitamin D and coeliac disease
- Call For Concern
- Cambridge Centre for Intestinal Rehabilitation - information for patients and families
- Cambridge Crohn's and colitis service
- Cambridge IVF: financial information for patients - September 2022
- Cambridge specialist mesh service: Patient journey
- Cancer and fertility: A guide for men
- Cancer and fertility: a guide for men with testicular cancer
- Cancer (children): Physiotherapy
- Cancer in Childhood: Research
- Cancer: Managing the emotional impact
- Cancer of the oesophagus (gullet): Short course radiotherapy
- Cancer Patient Partnership Group
- Capsular release
- Carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae (CPE) information
- Carbohydrate counting at school guide
- Cardiac CT Angiogram
- Cardiac rehabilitation cycling programme
- Cardiac rehabilitation home exercise guidelines
- Cardiac rehabilitation sexual advice information
- Cardiac rehabilitation walking guidelines and programme
- Cardiac ventriculography scan (NRVEN)
- Cardiology (paediatric): General information regarding telephone clinics
- Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET)
- Cardioversion: General advice for after your procedure
- Carers information
- Caring for your cannula at home
- Carotid arteries ultrasound scan
- Carpal tunnel decompression
- Carpal tunnel release surgery: Hand therapy advice after surgery
- CAR-T cell therapy: Discharge advice from ward C10 / C9
- CAR T Cell Therapy: Food hygiene advice after discharge
- CASEE - About our service
- Casting: Advice following
- Casts - Advice for patients
- Catheter valves: Frequently asked questions
- Ceftriaxone (self-administration)
- Central venous line - care of
- Cerebral angiogram of the brain
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage system
- Cervical balloon catheter induction of labour
- Cervical biopsies aftercare
- Cervical cancer: For patients undergoing treatment
- Cervical decompression surgery: Post-operative recovery
- Cervical Ectropion
- Cervical hard collars: A guide to wearing and caring for a collar for patients, relatives and carers
- Cervical screening history: Reviewing
- Cervical spine decompression surgery: Exercise programme
- Cheekbone fractures: FAQ
- Chemo-radiotherapy (completing) and starting adjuvant temozolomide
- Chest drain care in children
- Chest drain insertion
- Chest drains (paediatrics): information for parents
- Chest injury: Advice sheet for patients
- Chest X-ray: Important patient information about your urgent referral
- Chewable calcium carbonate tablets
- Child and Family Support - End of Treatment Groups
- Childhood cataract
- Childhood pseudo-squint
- Childhood Squint (Strabismus) information leaflet for parents and guardians
- Children’s Day Case Ward - Hinchingbrooke Hospital
- Children's epilepsy nursing service
- Children's eye service
- Children’s home ventilation and complex airway service
- Children’s inpatient sleep studies on Ward C3
- Children's wards: Parents' guide
- Children wearing contact lenses: Advice for parents
- Cholecystectomy (laparoscopic) in children
- Cholesterol lowering medicines (statins) (Cardiology)
- Cholesterol lowering medicines (statins) (Kidney)
- Choosing a multivitamin and mineral supplement for children
- Choosing my insulin pump - The Wolfson Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic
- Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
- Chronic migraine prevention: Fremanezumab (autoinjector pen)
- Chronic migraine prevention: Fremanezumab (prefilled syringe)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Physiotherapy
- Chronic pain and intimacy
- Chronic pain: Helping others to understand
- Chronic Pelvic Pain (male)
- Chronic subdural haematoma (cSDH)
- Circumcision
- Circumcision – in boys
- Cirrhosis
- CIVF - Information after egg collection
- CIVF - Information and consent for patients freezing sperm
- CIVF - Pure IVF - Financial information for patients
- Clavicle fracture (Children) - Discharge advice
- Clavicle fractures (adult)
- Clavicle Fractures (paediatric)
- Clean intermittent self-catherisation (CISC) for women
- Cleft lip
- Cleft.Net.East: Guidance and support when children are teased and / or bullied
- Cleft palate and hearing loss
- Cleft palate surgery: Feeding advice for after surgery
- Cleft Psychology Team
- Cleft: Talking to your child about their cleft
- Cleft Team: Introduction
- Clinic 31/Weston centre (11+ years)
- Clinic 31/Weston centre (6-10 years)
- Clinic 31/Weston centre (under 6 years)
- Clinic 9/UTC closure: What to do (advice for patients)
- Clinical genetics and genetic testing: Information for parents
- Clinical Immunology Service
- Clinical Movement Analysis (Shoulder)
- Clinical movement analysis (walking)
- Clinical nurse specialist service: Information for parents and carers
- Clopidogrel
- Clostridium difficile
- Clotting factor: Administering via an implanted port-a-cath using non-touch technique
- Cochlear implant (CI) patient journey (adult)
- Coeliac disease and iron
- Coeliac disease: Gluten-free labelling
- Coeliac disease information for those attending the paediatric coeliac disease clinic
- Cognitive identifiers
- Cognitive symptoms in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Colestyramine for bile acid malabsorption (BAM) after stomach / gullet surgery
- Collecting urine for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) measurement - information for patients
- Collecting urine for measurement of metanephrines - information for patients
- Colles fracture advice
- Colonic transit study – adults
- Colonoscopy
- Colonoscopy advice for patients / parents
- Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy: Afternoon list Advice for patients/parents
- Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy: Morning List
- Colorectal enhanced recovery programme
- Colorectal new patient follow up clinic
- Colostomy: Healthy eating
- Colposcopy clinic
- Colposcopy Examination
- Colposcopy following an abnormal or inadequate cervical sample
- Combined Cleft Clinic at Addenbrooke's hospital
- Combined kidney and pancreas transplant information
- Community alarm suppliers - Bedfordshire
- Community alarm suppliers - Cambridgeshire
- Community alarm suppliers - Essex
- Community alarm suppliers - Hertfordshire
- Community alarm suppliers - Norfolk
- Community alarm suppliers - Suffolk
- Complex migraine prevention (children): Flunarizine
- Complications from excess weight (CEW) clinic
- Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography
- Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography with Buscopan
- Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography with Buscopan and Iodine contrast injection
- Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography with Iodine contrast injection
- Computerised tomography (CT) scan for children – Advice for parents and carers
- Concussion and head injury
- Congenital cataract
- Consent to share information and your information sharing preferences
- Constipation advice
- Constipation and soiling information for parents / guardians
- Constipation: Improving symptoms of constipation and soiling in children - Key messages for parents and carers
- Constipation in children: Dietary advice
- Contrast bathing for the hand and wrist
- Contrast medium extravasation guide
- Convergence insufficiency (CI)
- Convergence Insufficiency: Orthoptic exercises - letter card
- Convergence Insufficiency orthoptic exercises: Near stereograms
- Convergence Insufficiency: Orthoptic exercises - Smooth convergence
- Coping with an inflammatory rheumatic condition diagnosis - Information for parents and carers
- Coping with an inflammatory rheumatic condition diagnosis - Information for young people
- Coping with fatigue
- Corneal abrasion
- Corneal Cross-linking for Keratoconus
- Corneal transplantation
- Corticosteroid/local anaesthetic injection
- Cortisol day curve
- Costochondritis (rib pain)
- Cough assist (BiWaze) - Paediatric physiotherapy
- Cough assist (Nippy ) - Paediatric physiotherapy
- COVID-19: Managing cognitive and emotional difficulties after leaving hospital
- COVID-19 rehabilitation
- COVID-19 rehabilitation: Breathlessness, fatigue and anxiety management
- Cow’s Milk and Egg Free Diet
- Cow’s milk and wheat free diet
- Cow’s milk, egg, wheat and soya (MEWS) free diet
- Cow’s milk-free and soya-free diet
- Craniotomy and clipping of cerebral artery aneurysm: Going home after
- Craniotomy and resection of brain tumour in adults
- Craniotomy: Living with a brain tumour and undergoing an awake craniotomy
- Craniotomy: Seizures following surgery
- Critical care: Personal items to help support rehabilitation
- Critical care: Preparing for admission
- Critical care to the ward environment (transferring) ? for patients and their loved ones
- Croup and stridor in children
- Crown lengthening surgery
- CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome
- Cryotherapy (freezing treatment) to reduce the risk of Retinal Detachment in Stickler Syndrome
- CT colonography (CT pneumocolon or virtual colonoscopy)
- CT colonography (CT pneumocolon or virtual colonoscopy) – Iodine-free examination
- CT (computerised tomography) scan under oral sedation
- CT contrast injection: Advice for breastfeeding mothers after injection
- CT examinations at the North Cambridgeshire Hospital site in Wisbech: Information for patients
- CT guided needle biopsy (lung)
- CT guided nerve root injection
- CT Scan (11+): What to expect
- CT scan: Information for patients
- CT scans at Sawston Medical Centre
- CT Scan (under 10s): Information for you and your child to prepare
- CUH cancer support service
- Cushing's syndrome/ disease: Investigations for diagnosis
- Cyclopentolate eye drops: Instilling your child's eye drops
- Cystic fibrosis - annual review
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF) - Helping your child to eat well (paediatrics)
- Cystic fibrosis - management of respiratory infections
- Cystitis: Self-help information for women suffering recurrent attacks (FAQs)
- Cystoscopy and evacuation of blood clots from the bladder
- Cystoscopy and hydrodistension of the bladder
- Cystoscopy and litholapaxy (bladder stone crushing/removal)
- Cystoscopy and retrograde studies
- Cystoscopy and stent procedure
- Cystoscopy / dilatation (female)
- Cystoscopy in children
- Cyst removal from sperm-carrying mechanism (epididymis)
- Cysts (children): Removal surgery
- Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
- DAFNE: dose adjustment for normal eating
- Danon disease
- Daylight photodynamic therapy (daylight PDT)
- Day Surgery Unit and Theatre Admissions
- Dealing with food cravings
- Death: Information for parents/carers supporting a young child when someone has died
- Deep brain stimulation (DBS): Information for patients leaving hospital
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) treatment: Compression hosiery
- Deep vein thrombosis prevention in lower limb immobilisation
- Deflux? injection for the treatment of vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) ? advice for parents and carers
- Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) following pancreatic surgery
- Delirium in adult critical care: general information
- Delirium: Information for carers
- Dementia and communication difficulties
- Dementia: Eating and drinking difficulties
- Dental Assessment for Patients Having Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer
- Dental disease prevention
- Dental implants in restorative dentistry
- Dental implants insertion
- Dental injury - caring for your mouth
- Dental treatment for children using inhalation sedation
- Denture care: Looking after your dentures
- Dermatology: Patient initiated follow-up appointments
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and management with a Pavlik harness
- Dexamethasone Reduction Schedule for patients
- Diabetes and insulin injections: Travelling
- Diabetes and pregnancy: extra snack ideas
- Diabetes and Pregnancy: Gestational Diabetes
- Diabetes and pregnancy: Inpatient menu guidance
- Diabetes and pregnancy: type 2 diabetes
- Diabetes annual review (paediatric)
- Diabetes: Healthy eating
- Diabetes in pregnancy: Preparing for breastfeeding your baby
- Diabetes Outreach Team (DOT) Booklet
- Diabetes (Type 1) in children and reluctant eating (management of)
- Diabetes (Type 2): Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors
- Diabetic retinopathy: Laser treatment
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Diagnostic semen analysis – Information for patients
- Diagnostic vacuum breast biopsy
- Dialysis catheter - care of
- Dialysis line insertion (central venous access)
- Dialysis line removal
- Diarrhoea and vomiting in adults - Discharge advice
- Diarrhoea and vomiting in children
- Diarrhoea in toddlers: Dietary advice for parent / carer
- Dietary advice and care guidelines for patients with a venting percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
- Dietary advice for children and young people with common gastro-intestinal symptoms
- Dietary advice for diabetes-related gastroparesis
- Dietary calcium: Good sources
- Dietary information for carers of patients with dementia
- Diet: Ensuring good nutrition while following a special diet on the critical care wards
- Dietetic telephone assessment clinics – general information
- Dietetic Telephone Follow-Up Clinics - General Information
- DiGeorge (22q11 deletion) syndrome
- Digital nerve injuries of the upper limb – surgical repair
- Digoxin
- Diltiazem
- Direct (Surgically placed) Jejunostomy tube – information for parents/carers
- Direct to consumer genetic testing
- Discharge Advice from Ward C10/U3 – For Non-BMT Patients
- Discharge from hospital on long-acting morphine for moderate to severe pain
- Discharge planning
- Discharge Planning Terms Explained
- Distal urethroplasty
- Diverticular disease: Dietary management
- DMSA (kidney) scan - in children
- DNA fragmentation test - information for patients
- Donating tissue or cells for research
- Donation of brain, pituitary tissue and cerebrospinal fluid after death
- Donation of brain, spinal cord, pituitary tissue and cerebrospinal fluid after death
- Donor Egg usage - Information for Patients
- Donor sperm for treatment at Cambridge IVF: Recommended suppliers
- Donor sperm: Patients seeking treatment
- Dorsal slit of the foreskin
- Dosi-Fuser pump usage
- Dot card - Orthoptic exercises for Convergence Insufficiency
- Drain management at home
- Dressings advice (paediatric)
- Dried blood spot testing instruction sheet
- Drug withdrawing infants: FAQs
- Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): Monitoring post commencement of long term steroids
- Dupuytren’s surgery: Information and advice following surgery
- Dust mites: How to reduce levels in your home
- DXA leaflet and certificate for paediatric patients
- Dying patient care: Relative and carer facilities information
- Dysarthria
- Dysarthria: Maximising your speech
- Dysarthria: Talking to someone with speech disorder
- Dyslexia
- Dyslexia (children): Visual difficulties
- Dysphagia – swallowing difficulties (Adults)
- Ear drops: How to use
- Early expressing (supporting): Information for partners and families
- Early listening skills
- Early Onset Scoliosis – Information about guided growth surgery
- Early pregnancy - Pain and bleeding in early pregnancy (first 13 weeks)
- Early prostate cancer: Active surveillance for Cambridge prognostic group 1 and 2 (CPG1 and CPG2)
- Early supported discharge and admission avoidance
- Ear mould care
- Ear surgery: Advice for after surgery
- Ear wax information
- Easi-Breathe: How to use
- East Anglian Clinical Genetics Service: Referrals
- East Anglian medical genetics service
- Easy to chew foods
- Easy to chew IDDSI Level 7
- Eating disorders services: Referrals
- Eating out, takeaways and alcohol
- Echogenic bowel
- Ectropion Correction
- Eczema of the breast or nipple
- Effects of radiotherapy on the voice
- Egg donors information
- Egg freezing and multi-cycle egg freezing packages - financial information for patients
- Egg freezing – Information for patients
- Elastomer and putty conformers: Instructions
- Elbasvir / grazoprevir (Zepatier®)
- Elbow and wrist strengthening exercises
- Elbow dislocation
- Elbow fractures: Radial head / neck
- Elbow - Olecranon fracture
- Elbow Range of Movement Exercises
- Elbow - Supracondylar fracture
- Electrodiagnostic eye tests
- Electromyography (EMG) of the diaphragm muscle
- Eliglustat (Cerdelga®)
- Elsworth Hostel
- Ely Day Surgery Unit (DSU) - Preparing for your Surgery
- Ely DSU - Preparing for your local anaesthetic appointment
- Embryo Cryopreservation – Information for Patients
- EmbryoScope: Improve chances of IVF success - Advanced time-lapse imaging helps select the best embryos for IVF
- Embryo transfer in a fresh cycle
- Emmeline Centre for Hearing Implants: Information for parents / guardians
- Emotional support for children, young people and their families
- Ending of a pregnancy due to fetal anomaly
- Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)
- Endocrine Clinic (Children and Young People)
- End of Treatment Colorectal Telephone Clinic
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP)
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
- Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR): Ultrasound surveillance scan
- Energy levels management (Leaflet 8)
- Enhanced Supportive Care (ESC) Occupational Therapy Clinics
- Enlarged prostate: Decision aid for men with urinary symptoms
- Enlarged prostate: Urolift treatment
- Enlargement of the bladder using a segment of bowel
- Entecavir
- Enteral tube feeding: Going home
- Enteroscopy with and without argon plasma coagulation (APC)
- Entropion correction
- Eosinophilic oesophagitis: Oral viscous budesonide
- Epididymis removal (of part or all)
- Epidural injections
- Epidural pain relief after surgery
- Epidural: Post Epidural Infusion / Injection Discharge Instructions
- Epidural: Post epidural infusion / injection discharge instructions (paediatrics)
- Epidurals - information for parents
- Epigastric hernia - in children
- Epilepsy: Information for patients taking medication for epilepsy while pregnant or planning to start a family
- EpiPen®
- Episodic and chronic migraine prevention: Erenumab (autoinjector pen)
- Equipment agreement - adult and children implant patients
- Equipment provision – sub-stores
- Equipment suppliers information list
- Erectile dysfunction: frequently asked questions
- Erectile dysfunction: Viagra, cialis or levitra treatment (FAQs)
- Eslicarbazepine drug information
- Event recorder (R-Test)
- Exercise diary
- Exercise induced asthma test
- Exercises after a Pelvic Fracture
- Exercises following hydrodistension
- Exercises for humeral shaft fracture
- Exercising before your liver surgery
- Exercising before your pancreatic surgery
- Exercising during cancer
- Exhaled nitric oxide test
- Expecting twins or triplets
- Expiratory muscle strength training (EMST)
- Exposure of impacted upper canine
- Expressing and collecting the first milk (colostrum) for your baby in the NICU
- Expressing your milk: Golden rules for if your baby is not latching at your breast yet
- External cephalic version (ECV)
- Extra corporeal photopheresis (ECP)
- Extracorporeal shockwave disintegration of stones
- Extracorporeal shockwave disintegration of stones in children: procedure-specific information
- Extremely thick drink IDDSI Level 4
- Eye care for your child
- Eye clinic: Clinical psychology for children
- Eye drops from the Aseptic Pharmacy
- Eye screening for uveitis in paediatric rheumatology patients
- Eye surgery: Discharge advice
- Fabry disease
- Facial lacerations: Suturing under general anaesthetic
- Facial scar revision: FAQs
- Facial skin lesion removal
- Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)
- Familial tumours of the nervous system
- FAST (Flexible Activity and Symptom Tracker) system for patients using automated telephone calls: Introduction
- Fatigue management guide (self-directed): Me and My Fatigue
- Fat Pad Sign
- Febrile convulsions in children
- Feeding advice following alveolar bone graft (ABG)
- Feeding your baby infant formula by bottle: Information for parents who choose to feed infant formula by bottle
- Feet and Ankles: Radionuclide Bone Scan (NBAFBD)
- Female chronic pelvic pain - vulvodynia
- Female pelvic floor muscle exercises
- Femoral angiogram
- Femtosecond laser assisted cataract and corneal surgery
- Fentanyl patches for moderate to severe pain: Information for patients being discharged
- Fertility preservation options for women undergoing oncology treatment
- Fever in children: Caring for a child at home
- Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES)
- Fibromyalgia and pregnancy – management for patients
- Fibular Free Flap Surgery: FAQ
- Fibula shaft fracture
- Fifth Metacarpal (hand) fracture
- Fifth metacarpal (hand) neck fracture
- Fifth Metatarsal (foot) base avulsion fracture
- Fifth Metatarsal (foot) base fracture
- Fighting infection together: Advice for visitors
- Finger dislocations
- Finger extensor tendon repair: Rehabilitation information
- Finger food meals
- Finger labyrinth: User guide
- Finger - Phalanx - proximal and middle phalanx fractures
- Finger - Tuft fracture
- Finger - Volar plate injury
- First babble advice
- First Seizure - Advice sheet for adult patients
- Fistula ultrasound scan
- Fixation of a retractile testis
- Flare-up and setback management
- Flexible cystoscopy: Consent
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy - with enema bowel preparation
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy with full bowel preparation
- Fluorescein angiography
- Following Marsupialisation of Bartholins Cyst
- Follow-up appointments
- Food allergy: Useful resources for dietary management
- Food: Helping your child to try new foods
- Food, Mood and Symptom Diary
- Food textures: bite and dissolve/bite and melt
- Foot - Tarsal fracture (undisplaced)
- Foreskin adhesions (freeing of)
- Fracture of the upper jaw
- Frailty: Information for patients and carers
- Freedom of Information Act 2000: A good practice guide
- Frozen Embryo Transfer (HRT cycle)
- Frozen shoulder
- Full lung function test
- Gabapentin for the treatment of pain: Information for adults
- Gadolinium contrast aftercare
- Gallstones: Dietary advice
- Gametes and embryos usage for training purposes: Consent
- Ganglion of Impar Block
- Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (paediatric) - Welcome to the Service
- Gastrografin in CT – use of
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD): Dietary and lifestyle advice for adults
- Gastroscopy
- Gastroscopy: Afternoon list - Advice for Patients/Parents
- Gastroscopy and colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy with enema bowel preparation
- Gastroscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy with full bowel preparation
- Gastroscopy: Morning list - Advice for patients/ parents
- Gastroscopy with botulinum toxin therapy
- Gastroscopy with Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)
- Gastroscopy with oesophageal dilatation
- Gastroscopy with oesophageal stent inserted
- Gastroscopy with oesophageal variceal banding or injection
- Gastroscopy with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for oesophageal dysplasia
- Gastrostomy / jejunostomy tubes (children): going on holiday
- Gastrostomy tube - having and looking after
- Gaucher disease type 1
- Gaucher disease type 3
- General anaesthesia: Information for children
- General anaesthetic: Information for adults
- General exercises
- General stability exercises
- Genetic testing
- Genioplasty
- Germ cell tumour of the testis - CEB chemotherapy (3 day regimen) treatment
- Gestational diabetes - medication treatment options
- GFR Estimation Study (NGFR3)
- Giant cell arteritis (GCA): Information for people who have, or are under investigation as potentially having condition
- GI Bleed Scan (NGIBS)
- GI Blood Loss Study (NFOCC)
- Glasses for children: Parent information
- Glecaprevir / pibrentasvir (Maviret®)
- Glucagon stimulation test – information for adults
- Glucagon stimulation test – with cortisols
- Glucose meters and smart insulin pens: how to share your data to the clinic
- Gluteal tendinopathy
- Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
- Goal setting for effective weight management when you have asthma
- Goal setting (obesity service)
- Going home after your pancreatic surgery
- Going home following reversal of loop ileostomy – virtual ward pathway
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) - Your pregnancy and your baby
- Growth Hormone Day Series
- Growth hormone replacement (adult)
- Guided growth surgery
- Guided imagery: A brief guide
- Guided visual imagery relaxation technique: the beach
- Gum grafting procedure
- Gynae-Oncology Information Leaflet
- Haemangiomas (paediatric) treatment: propranolol
- Haematology Outpatients Clinic: Your first visit
- Haemodialysis: A patient's guide
- Hand - Scaphoid fracture
- Hand - Scaphoid injuries
- Hand therapy
- Hand therapy active finger exercises
- Hand Therapy Active Wrist exercises
- Hand therapy following extensor tendon repair zones 4-7: ICAM regime
- Hand therapy leaflet for patients attending the plastic surgery unit
- Hand therapy passive thumb exercises
- Hand therapy passive wrist exercises
- Hand Therapy: Theraputty Finger Strengthening Exercises
- Hand Therapy Theraputty Thumb Strengthening exercises
- Hand therapy video appointment preparation
- Having a bridled fine bore feeding tube
- Having a carotid artery stent
- Having an MRI Defecating Proctogram
- HCG stimulation test
- Headache after epidural analgesia or a spinal anaesthetic
- Headache: Greater occipital nerve block treatment
- Headaches - Information for young people and their parents
- Head and Neck Cancer: Swallowing Exercises
- Head and neck cancer team: Radiotherapy for head and neck cancers
- Head and neck service: My information folder
- Heading home from hospital - A guide for adult patients, family and carers
- Head injury (adult)
- Head injury (Children) - Going home advice
- Head injury: Choosing the right service to contact
- Healthy eating in the sunshine
- Healthy snack and small meal ideas
- Hearing aid and Audiology Services guide (thin tube)
- Hearing Aid(s) and Audiology Services Guide: (Earmould)
- Hearing loss: Local and national organisations offering support for children and young people
- Hearing Screening and Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Helping your child
- Helping yourself when your child is in hospital
- Helping your siblings
- Hemithyroidectomy: 23-hour stay
- Hemithyroidectomy: Same-day discharge
- Hen's egg allergy
- Heparin injections: Administering at home using a pre-filled syringe
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis B vaccination (Fendrix®)
- Hepatitis C - Information for newly diagnosed patients
- Hepatobiliary Function Scan (NGBFS)
- Heterotopic ossification: Radiotherapy treatment
- High blood sugars after a transplant
- High dose steroids (starting)
- High energy and protein diet
- Highly-potent topical steroid (for example Dermovate? cream or ointment / Clobetesol): Patient advice for women requiring
- High risk neuroblastoma differentiation therapy and immunotherapy
- High triglycerides management: Dietary advice
- High volume stoma or fistula: Diet and fluid advice
- Hip - Exercises after injury or surgery
- Hip movement exercises
- Hip replacement, total: advice and exercises following
- Hip Spica care
- Hips: Radionuclide Bone Scan (NBHIPD)
- Hip strengthening exercises
- Hirschsprung’s disease in children
- Hirschsprung's disease: Rectal washouts in children
- Holmium laser bladder neck incision
- Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)
- Holter Symptom Diary
- Home birth information and checklist
- Home Exercise Programme
- Home isolation for TB
- Home oxygen – non-respiratory
- Home oxygen - Parents’ guide to going home with oxygen
- Home Oxygen Patient Information Leaflet – Respiratory Patients
- Home parenteral nutrition
- Home Production
- Home video-telemetry (HVT) - adult
- Hormone replacement therapy for men
- Hormone therapy and meningioma
- Hospital food challenges: information for children and their parents
- Hospital passport (adults)
- Hospital passport (children)
- How to fit a Fresnel Prism
- How to use an Autohaler
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Humming exercises
- Humulin R U500 insulin (500units/ml)
- Hydrocele – in boys
- Hydrocele repair
- Hydrocortisone Day Curve - 3 point
- Hydrocortisone Day Curve - 4 point
- Hydrocortisone replacement for pituitary patients
- Hydrogen breath test for (small bowel) bacterial overgrowth
- Hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea) treatment in sickle cell disease
- Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg/ml (Buscopan®) aftercare
- Hypercalcaemia: Treating with cinacalcet
- Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)
- Hypertension (raised blood pressure) in pregnancy: Postnatal information for women
- Hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease
- Hypertonic saline infusion test (with copeptin measurement)
- Hyperventilation
- Hypoglycaemia (‘Hypo’) - Severe Insulin Resistance Service
- Hypospadias - parent information
- Hypoxic challenge test
- Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) - information for patients
- Hysteroscopy outpatient aftercare advice
- Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)
- Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) - Patient information
- Idiopathic scoliosis (adolescent): Information about surgery
- I have been referred for a cochlear implant. What happens next?
- Ileal conduit formation
- Ileoscopy
- Ileostomy: Healthy eating
- Imaging investigations when there are safeguarding concerns
- Immune effector cell (IEC) therapies: A patient’s guide
- Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): Information for parents
- Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
- Immunodeficiency: travelling abroad
- Immunoglobulin therapy and management of patient data
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth (surgical removal): Patient information and consent
- Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD): Deactivating
- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator - Post implant ward K2
- Implantable loop recorder (ILR) - Pre-procedure information
- Implantable loop recorder (Reveal LINQ)
- Implanted port (accessing) and administering factor
- Importance of salt restriction for renal patients
- Important considerations for cochlear implants users
- Impotence: Penile injections
- Improving bowel function
- Improving bowel function in constipation
- Impulse oscillometry test
- Incentive spirometer
- Increased Nuchal Fold (NF)
- Increased risk of infection: Food safety advice
- Increased risk of low blood sugars after birth: information for parents
- Increased risk of low blood sugars in babies after birth: Information for parents
- Increasing energy in your infant, toddler and young child’s diet
- Independence in healthcare: Helping your teenager
- Induction of labour (IOL)
- Induction of Labour (IOL): outpatient guidance for women (Propess®)
- Induction of Labour (IOL): Outpatient guidance for women (Prostin®)
- Indwelling peritoneal catheter (IPeC)
- Indwelling pleural catheter (IPC)
- Infection in newborn babies – information for parents and carers
- Inflammatory bowel disease clinical psychology service (paediatric)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) telephone advice line service
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Use of tacrolimus suppositories
- Information about an adult post mortem
- Information for potential sperm donors – the donation process
- Ingrown Toenails in Children
- Inguinal Hernia – in children
- Inhalation phonation exercise sheet
- Inhalers: What is the environmental impact?
- Inherited Metabolic Conditions (living with)
- Injection immunotherapy (desensitisation)
- Inpatient family support and liaison team
- Inpatient sleep studies (children)
- Input/output chart: Frequently asked questions
- INR self-testing
- Insect bites and stings
- Insertion of a gastrostomy tube
- Insoles and foot orthoses
- Insulin Pump: Managing Exercise
- Insulin tolerance test
- Intercostal nerve block
- Interferential therapy (IFT) for the treatment of constipation and soiling in children
- Intermittent self meatal / urethral dilatation: A parent’s guide
- Intermittent self meatal / urethral dilatation: A user’s guide for boys and adolescents
- Internal radiotherapy to the cervix and uterus
- Internal radiotherapy to the vaginal vault
- Interventional radiology (IR) and cardiology: possible radiation side effects
- Interventional radiology (IR): How safe are X-rays?
- Intestinal Malrotation and Volvulus in Children
- Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) or ‘coil’ insertion clinic
- Intrauterine pregnancy of unknown viability (IUPUV)
- Intravenous fluorescein retinal angiography (FFA) in children
- Intravenous (IV) iron infusion
- Intravesical immunotherapy
- Intravesical mitomycin C chemotherapy
- Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF
- Introducing egg into your child’s diet at home
- Introduction to the haematology team
- Intussusception – in children
- Iodine 123 Whole Body (N123W)
- IV antibiotic therapy (outpatient)
- IVF Plus pricing and refunds
- IVF treatment: Duo stimulation
- Jaundice in newborn babies
- Jaw exercises
- Jaw joint problems: FAQ
- Jaw or chin corrective surgery (orthognathic surgery) Patient information and consent
- Jaw stretching exercises
- Jext®
- John Farman Intensive Care Unit: Information for relatives
- Joint hypermobility - information for children and young people
- Joint injection under Entonox (children and young people)
- Joint injection under general anaesthetic (children and young people)
- Jump convergence - Orthoptic exercises for convergence insufficiency
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA): Physical activity guide
- Kartagener’s syndrome
- Ketamine – information for parents
- Ketogenic dietary therapy (KDT) - For children who are eating orally and their carers
- Ketogenic Dietary therapy (KDT) For children who are fed enterally and their carers
- Ketogenic dietary therapy (KDT) guidance on low carbohydrate medications
- Ketogenic dietary therapy (KDT): Information on getting ready to start for children and their carers
- Ketogenic dietary therapy (KDT) monitoring
- Kidney and ureter laparoscopic radical removal (robotic-assisted): Procedure-specific information
- Kidney and ureter: Radical removal
- Kidney cancer diagnosis one-stop clinic (involving an image guided biopsy)
- Kidney / kidney-pancreas transplant: Dietary advice following transplant
- Kidney: Laparoscopic partial removal - Robotic-assisted (Da Vinci)
- Kidney: Partial removal
- Kidney (radical removal): procedure specific information
- Kidney: Simple removal (procedure-specific information)
- Kidney stones, diet and lifestyle: Frequently asked questions
- Kidney stone(s): Percutaneous removal
- Kidney stone(s): Percutaneous removal (children)
- Kidney transplant guide - information for patients after a kidney transplant
- Kidney tumour ablation
- Klean Prep® use for children and young people
- Knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFO's)
- Knee - Early knee exercises
- Knee exercises
- Knee - Patella (knee cap) fracture
- Knee replacement, total: Occupational therapy advice following
- Knees: Radionuclide Bone Scan (NBKNBD)
- Krabbe disease
- Laboratory Guide for Patients
- Labour and birth: Using hypnosis techniques - the role of your midwife
- Labour and the latent phase
- Lacosamide drug information
- Lacrimal Study (NDCGM)
- Lamivudine
- Lamotrigine drug information
- Lanthanum tablets (Fosrenol® )
- Laparoscopic de-roofing of simple renal cyst
- Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy discharge information
- Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Robotic-assisted (Da Vinci®)
- Laparoscopic radical removal of the kidney
- Laparoscopic radical removal of the kidney and ureter: procedure-specific information
- Laparoscopic/robotic-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty (keyhole reconstruction of the pelvis of the kidney)
- Laparoscopic simple removal of the kidney
- Laparoscopic surgery: Liver shrinkage diet
- Laparoscopic varicocele ligation
- Laparotomy to remove a large retroperitoneal mass
- Laryngeal stoma and voice prosthesis: Care after a laryngectomy
- Laryngectomy valve care
- Laser Assisted Hatching
- Laser Assisted Hatching Information for Patients
- Laser peripheral iridotomy treatment
- Laser treatment
- Last days of life - Information for families and carers
- Latex allergy - information for patients
- Leaving Hospital after you have been in ICU
- Legal Parenthood- information for patients
- Leg arteries ultrasound scan
- Leg veins ultrasound scan
- Leg veins ultrasound scan (deep vein thrombosis - DVT scan)
- Leukapheresis
- Lichen planus of the mouth
- Lichen Sclerosus – after diagnosis and initial treatment
- Lidocaine patch usage in Cambridge University Hospitals
- Lip exercises
- Lipid transfer protein (LTP) allergy / syndrome patient information leaflet
- Lipodystrophy
- Lipomodelling
- Lip trills exercises
- Liquidised food IDDSI Level 3
- Lithotripsy frequently asked questions: Advice for after procedure
- Liver ablation - A guide for patients
- Liver and alcohol
- Liver and spleen scan (NSPLN)
- Liver transplant: Long-term diet and physical activity after transplant
- Liver transplant: Nutritional information after transplant
- Local anaesthetic nerve blocks for pain relief following surgery
- Local hearing help sessions 2022
- Long-acting oxycodone for moderate to severe pain: Information for patients being discharged
- Long Term Hormone Treatment with Casodex and Zoladex
- Looking after my skin following a chemotherapy leak (extravasation)
- Looking after your nasojejunal tube
- Looking after your percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy - jejunum (PEG-J) tube
- Loop diathermy aftercare
- Loop diuretics (water tablets)
- Lower jaw fracture
- Lower legs: Radionuclide bone scan (NBLLBD)
- Lower urinary tract symptoms (male): Lifestyle advice, bladder training and pelvic floor exercises ? FAQ
- Low grade lymphoma nurse-led telephone clinic
- Low IgA Levels in children: Information for parents and families
- Low phosphate diet
- Low profile balloon retained gastrostomy tubes - in children
- Low-profile (button) gastrostomy tube: Looking after
- Low white blood cell count (neutropenic) and infection following chemotherapy: Discharge information
- Lumbar decompression surgery: Post-operative recovery
- Lumbar puncture information
- Lumbar spine surgery: Exercise programme
- Lung health in children and young people with neuromuscular disease: The Importance of good lung health
- Lung Perfusion Quantification Scan (NCHEQ)
- Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Scan (NLUNV)
- Lymphoedema: Reducing the risk of developing condition
- Lymph scintigram (NLYMP)
- Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (LAL-D)
- Lysosomal clinic
- Macimorelin stimulation test (also known as Ghryvelin stimulation test)
- Macmillan Cancer information and support service: Travel insurance
- Macular Holes
- MAG 3 (kidney) scan - in children
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided diagnostic vacuum breast biopsy
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans under general anaesthetic
- Magseed guided wide local excision guide
- Making the most of medical appointments
- Male incontinence guidelines
- Mallet finger
- Mallet finger injury: Discharge advice
- Mallet finger injury treatment programme
- Mallet finger (T&O)
- Mandibular (lower jaw) osteotomy
- Mannitol challenge test
- Mask ventilation: Home non-invasive ventilation via Resmed stellar, Nippy junior & 4/4+
- Maternity information for those considering giving birth unassisted by a midwife
- Maxillary (upper jaw) osteotomy
- MCT diet - information for children and their carers
- Mealtime routines
- Meatal/ urethral dilatation
- Meatotomy / meatoplasty
- Meckel’s Scan (NMECK)
- Medical Retina consultation clinics
- Medical thoracoscopy information for patients
- Medicines Helpline
- Medtronic 780G Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) system
- Melanoma in situ and lentigo maligna (understanding)
- Melanoma: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
- Melanoma SLN Localisation (NSENT)
- Memory problems - A practical guide
- Menopause: Abnormal vaginal bleeding around / after menopause - Investigation (women)
- Menopause: A healthy lifestyle guide
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and you
- Mental health: Supporting a child
- Mental health: Supporting a friend
- Mental health: Supporting young people
- Menu information
- Mercaptopurine: Information for parents of children prescribed
- Mesh complications service: Clinical psychology for children
- Messy play
- Metabolic clinic
- Metacarpal (hand) fracture (neck-shaft-base)
- Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD)
- Metastatic seminoma of the testis: EP chemotherapy treatment
- Metatarsal fractures and stress fractures
- Metered dose inhaler: How to use
- Methacholine Challenge Test
- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): FAQs
- Methotrexate injections: Advice for children and young people
- Metyrapone / Ketoconazole day series
- MGUS/multiple myeloma: Your nurse-led telephone clinic
- MIBG Iodine Scan (NM123W)
- Microsurgical sperm retrieval from the testicle: Micro-TESE - Information for patients
- Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) – in children
- Middle ear repair
- Mifamurtide (Mepact®) for Osteosarcoma
- Mildly thick drink IDDSI Level 2
- Milk allergy
- Milk free recipes for toddlers
- Milk re-introduction at home
- Minced and moist food IDDSI Level 5
- Minor eyelid surgery
- Minor Oral Surgery Procedure Clinic: Your visit
- Miscarriage, compassionate induction, stillbirth or neonatal death: Taking your baby home
- Miscarriage: Expectant management
- Miscarriage: General information
- Mitrofanoff formation and continuing care – in children
- Mitrofanoff procedure (catheterisable urinary stoma)
- Moderately thick drink IDDSI Level 3
- Modified Ketogenic Diet (MKD): Exchange list of foods to use
- Modified ketogenic diet (MKD) information for children and their carers
- Monarch gastrostomy tube in children: Care information for parents and carers
- Monarch tube: Looking after yours
- Motor Neurone Disease Clinic
- Mouth and jaw surgery: post-operative advice
- Mouth lesion: Laser excision
- Moving forward
- Moving on Up 16+….. Transition Clinic:
- Moving to adult respiratory neuromuscular care from paediatric respiratory services
- MR examinations at the North Cambridgeshire Hospital site in Wisbech: Information for patients
- MRI scans
- MRI scans with cochlear and brainstem implants
- MRSA: Information for patients in the community
- MRSA screening test: How to use
- MRSA topical treatment instructions
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 1 (MPSI)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 2 (MPSII)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 3 (MPSIII)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 4 (MPSIV)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type 6 (MPSVI)
- Multi-cycle IVF financial information for patients
- Multiple daily injections (MDI): managing exercise
- Musculoskeletal Chest Wall Pain
- Musculoskeletal infection in children
- Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) for Patients with Autoimmune Disorder
- Myeloma Service: Introduction
- Myeloproliferative service - an introduction
- Myocardial Perfusion Scan (NMMSG)
- Myth busting about posture, core stability and lifting
- Nasal ciliary biopsy
- Nasal Nitric Oxide
- NASIT: What is National Adult Small Intestine Transplantation?
- Nasogastric (NG) feeding tubes
- Nasogastric (NG) tube: Guidance if your child requires a tube
- Nasogastric (NG) tubes: Going home
- Nasogastric tube feeding at home
- Nasogastric tube (NGT): How to look after
- Nasojejunal tube: Information for parents
- Nasolacrimal (tear) ducts: Syringe and probing
- Nasopharyngeal suction guidelines
- National Severe Insulin Resistance Service - Carbohydrates
- NCCU (Neurosciences Critical Care Unit) patient transfer to a Neurosciences Ward (A4, A5, D6N and J2)
- Nebulised Colomycin: Instructions for patients
- Nebulised Gentamicin: Instructions for patients
- Nebuliser: How to use
- Neck and shoulder exercises
- Neck dissection
- Neck dissection operation
- Neck exercises and advice
- Neck of femur fracture
- Neck sprain advice
- Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC): FAQs
- Neonatal iron supplementation for preterm infants greater than 34 weeks gestation
- Neonatal Outreach Team: Going home
- Neonatal Unit: using probiotics
- Neonatal vitamins and iron for infants <34 weeks gestation (with Abidec)
- Neonatal vitamins and iron for infants <34 weeks gestation (without Abidec)
- Nephrectomy/Hemi-Nephrectomy in children
- Nephrectomy (robotic partial): Enhanced Recovery Programme
- Nephrostomy tube change: A guide for patients
- Nerve block for pain relief after surgery - general
- Nerve block for pain relief after surgery - Lower Limb
- Nerve blocks for surgery on the arm or hand
- Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG)
- Neural mobility exercises
- Neuroimmunology Services
- Neuromuscular clinic
- Neuromuscular conditions: Use of Salbutamol
- Neuromuscular Hip Reconstruction – Information about Surgery
- Neuromuscular scoliosis - information about surgery
- Neuro-oncology information leaflet
- Neuropsychological assessment: A brief guide
- Neurosciences Critical Care Unit (NCCU) information for relatives
- Neuroscience telephone clinics: General information
- NF2-related schwannomatosis (NF2)
- NHS and care volunteer responders (NHSCVR) programme for virtual ward patients
- NHS East of England Trauma Network: Your care with us
- Niagara line (neck line) care
- NICU Family Support Service
- NICU Psychology and Counselling Service
- NICU Tree of Life
- Niemann-Pick B (NPB)
- Niemann-Pick C (NPC)
- Nimodipine drug information
- Nipple reconstruction
- Nissen’s Fundoplication – in children
- No added salt diet
- Nocturnal Enuresis (‘bedwetting’) in children
- Nocturnal polyuria: FAQ
- Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (NASAH)
- Non-fermentable bulking agents (NFBAs)
- Non-invasive urodynamics (serial bladder scanning) in children
- Non invasive ventilation (NIV)
- Normal pressure hydrocephalus specialist service
- Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)
- Nose fractures
- Nose - Suspected broken nose
- Nourishing drinks
- Nuchal Translucency (NT)
- Nurse Controlled Analgesia (NCA) - information for parents
- Nurse-led Telephone Clinic for Bone Marrow Failure Patients
- Nusinersen (Spinraza) for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 1, 2, 3 and presymptomatic patients
- Nut avoidance advice
- Nutritional supplements (children's): Advice on how to use for parents and carers
- Obesity clinic (tier 3); What to expect
- Observational disease registries
- Oesophageal atresia (OA) and tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) in children
- Oesophageal radiotherapy – at the end of your treatment course
- Oesophageal Reflux Scan (NGERS)
- Oesophageal Transit Study (NEITS)
- Oesophagectomy: Advice following
- Omnipaque in CT – use of
- Oncology and Haematology Centre: Your first visit
- Oncology patients (adult): Hostel accommodation in Elsworth House
- One-handed living tips
- One-stop Haematuria clinic (incorporating a CT scan): Frequently asked questions
- One-stop Haematuria clinic (incorporating an ultrasound scan): Frequently asked questions
- One-stop outpatient hysteroscopy clinic
- Online pain education seminar introduction
- Online safety for clients accessing augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
- Open pyeloplasty
- Open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Open surgical removal of lesion from urethra
- Open Wounds
- Operations (11+ years)
- Operations (6 to 10 years)
- Operations (children): Information for parents
- Operations (under 6)
- Ophthalmology Medication Record Card
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and photography clinic with virtual review
- Optical urethrotomy
- Optic Nerve Drusen
- Optimising your diet to benefit your asthma
- Oral anticoagulant therapy with edoxaban, apixaban, rivaroxaban or dabigatran
- Oral anticoagulant therapy with warfarin, phenindione or acenocoumarol
- Oral bisphosphonates: your new medication
- Oral cancer: Staging (FAQs)
- Oral chemotherapy process (outpatients)
- Oral fluorescein angiography
- Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT): Prolonged five hour test with insulin
- Oral (mouth) biopsy
- Oral suction at home
- Orchidopexy (bringing down of an undescended testis)
- Organ transplant infected with hepatitis C used in recipients who have not been infected with hepatitis C
- Orthoptic service (paediatric)
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation
- Overnight dexamethasone suppression test
- Overnight Oximetry
- Overseas patients
- Ovulation induction using Metformin - patient information
- Oxygen alert card
- Pacemaker
- Pacing for pain management
- Pad test instructions
- Paediatric cystic fibrosis (CF): vitamin D in children with CF
- Paediatric Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (PEPSiT) in children – information for parents and carers
- Paediatric Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (PEPSiT) in young people – information for teenagers
- Paediatric home video-telemetry (HVT)
- Paediatric Intensive Care Unit / High Dependency Unit: Transferring your child
- Paediatric Metatarsal Fractures
- Paediatrics telephone clinics: General information
- Paediatric surgery / urology: Your child’s outpatient appointment following their operation. Information for parents / carers
- Paediatric Virtual Ward
- Paediatric volar plate injury (ages 16 years and under)
- Pain and rheumatology occupational therapy services
- Pain clinic: Discharge advice and information following a procedure
- Pain Clinic: Introduction
- Pain explained
- Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis): Cystistat bladder instillation
- Pain: How will it be managed?
- Pain Management Programme
- Pain Management Programme by videoconference information sheet
- Pain management seminar
- Pain relief: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Pain service assessment pathway for a spinal cord stimulator: seeing a psychologist
- Pain service: Clinical psychology
- Pain service: Discharge information
- Pain Service injection treatments: Advice for before treatment
- Palate Investigation Clinic
- Palate repair: Speech advice following procedure
- Palliative care: Clinical psychology
- Palliative Care Team
- Palliative radiotherapy for bone pain
- PALS: Tell us what you think (Easy read)
- Pancreas transplant: Information for patients after transplant
- Pancreatic cancer, nutrition, activity and improving the way you feel
- Pancreatic cancer: Radiotherapy
- Pancreatic enzyme capsules: Information for people who are unable to swallow their capsules whole
- Pancreatic insufficiency: Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT)
- Paracentesis
- Parathyroid Scan (NPTHY)
- Parathyroid surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism
- Parenteral Nutrition: a guide for parents and children
- Parenteral nutrition - Information for patients
- Parents, young people and their families information
- Paricalcitol capsules (Zemplar® )
- Parotid salivary gland removal
- Parson’s cocktail bladder instillation for painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis): procedure-specific information
- Patch diary: Team Giraffe
- Patch diary: Team Tiger
- Patch testing
- Patellofemoral (knee cap) Dislocation
- Patello femoral syndrome (anterior knee pain or chondromalacia patella)
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) - information for parents
- Patient initiated follow-up appointments: General information
- Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
- Patient Progress
- Patient Safety Incident Investigation (PSII) - patient and family support
- Peer Support Group - Specialist Mesh Removal Service
- PEG removal using the cut and push method
- Pelvic floor exercises in men: frequently asked questions
- Pelvic floor exercises in women: Frequently asked questions
- Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) in pregnancy
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
- Pelvic organ prolapse: Self-management of a pessary
- Pelvic radiotherapy: Laxative (oral) use
- Pelvic radiotherapy: Vulval, groin and anal region (perineum) skin care
- Penile frenulum lengthening (frenuloplasty)
- Penile injury repair (including fractured penis)
- Penile straightening (Nesbit or Lue operation)
- Percutaneous and magnetic bone conduction hearing devices (BCHD) and middle ear implants (MEI) assessments
- Percutaneous aspiration: Information for patients undergoing procedure
- Percutaneous biopsy: Information for patients undergoing procedure
- Percutaneous biopsy of the kidney, another organ or an abnormal mass
- Percutaneous drainage procedure: Information for patients
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes – in children
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG): Looking after yours
- Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy tube (PEJ): Looking after yours
- Percutaneous insertion of a nephrostomy tube
- Percutaneous Trans-hepatic Cholangiogram (PTC) dressing: How to change
- Perineal tears and episiotomies in childbirth
- Perineal tears (third and fourth degree)
- Perineal wound care guidelines
- Perineum care after childbirth
- Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) care
- Peripheral nerve injuries of the upper limb – surgical repair
- Peritoneal dialysis patients: Contamination information instructions
- Peritoneal dialysis patients: Cut down procedure
- Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Catheter care
- Peritoneal dialysis (PD): Healthy eating
- Peritoneal Dialysis (PD): Line Change Instructions for patients
- Peritoneal Dialysis (PD): Peritonitis Information
- Peritoneal Dialysis (PD): What you need to know about choosing treatment
- Peritoneal dialysis (Tenckhoff) catheter insertion: Medication pack for patients who are having surgery
- Permanent suprapubic catheterisation in men: Frequently asked questions
- Permanent suprapubic catheterisation in women: Frequently asked questions
- Persistent Pain: Understanding for those who don't have it
- PET-CT scan - 11C Methionine
- PET-CT scan - 11C Metomidate
- PET-CT scan - 18F-FDG
- PET-CT scan - DOTATATE - 68Ga
- PET-CT scan for cardiac sarcoidosis - 18F-FDG
- PET-CT scan - PSMA - 68Ga
- Pexact tube: Looking after yours
- Peyronie’s disease: frequently asked questions
- PhagiaFlex CTAR (chin tuck against resistance) device: How to use
- Pharmacy homecare medicines service: Information for patients, relatives and carers
- Phenobarbitone drug information
- Phenylketonuria (PKU): Important information for women
- Phenytoin drug information
- pH-impedance study - advice for patients/ parents
- Phototesting patients
- Physical activity: an introduction
- Physical activity information
- Physiotherapy following Transplant Surgery
- Physiotherapy for amputees
- Pituitary tumour removal: Going home after
- Placenta praevia (low-lying placenta)
- Planned caesarean birth
- Planned caesarean birth: Information for those requesting
- Planned caesarean birth with sterilisation
- Planning successful transitions (changes) for people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
- Plantar fasciitis
- Plasma Exchange
- Plasma exchange for patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
- Plasma Volume (NRCPV)
- Plaster cast care for children
- Platelet Localisation (NPLAW)
- Pleasurable activities reminder
- Pleurodesis: Attaching the lung to the chest wall to control fluid or air in the space around the lung
- Pneumonia in children
- Polycystic kidney disease information
- Pompe disease
- Ponseti technique: boot and bar stage
- Popliteal cyst information
- Portacath - care of your portacath
- Portacath (implantable ports)
- Positive Direct Antibody Test (DAT)
- Post-BMT late effects nurse-led clinic
- Post device implantation
- Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction rehabilitation - A guide to rehabilitation following PCL reconstruction surgery
- Posterior Fossa Syndrome
- Posterior urethral valves (also known as congenital obstructing posterior urethral membranes) in children
- Posterior vitreous detachment
- Postnatal information
- Post operative bra guidance following an oncoplastic breast surgery
- Post-operative bra guidance following oncoplastic breast surgery
- Post-operative mouth care for children following dental extractions
- Post-Operative Posturing following vitrectomy and insertion of a bubble of gas or oil
- Post Tenckhoff Catheter Insertion Instructions for new Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Patients
- Post-transplant nurse-led clinic
- Post traumatic stress
- Postural drainage
- Postural hypotension
- Potassium lowering dietary advice
- Potential sperm donors – preparing to be a donor
- Pouchoscopy
- Powered communication aid funding
- Prechtl's General Movements: Outpatient Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow Up Clinic)
- Pre-exercise blood glucose levels
- Pregnancy and after birth: Pain relief
- Pregnancy: Healthy living
- Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL)
- Pregnancy remains burial: Rosie hospital arrangements
- Pre-habilitation prescription for patients undergoing investigations for suspected lung cancer
- Pre-operative advice for children who are due to have skin surgery under local anaesthetic
- Pre-operative assessment
- Pre-operative Assessment Clinic (PPOAC) - paediatric
- Preparing for your Appointment for Local Anaesthetic
- Presbyphonia
- Prescription payment request (
- Pressure ulcers prevention: a guide for patients and carers
- Preterm birth and antenatal corticosteroids – making an informed choice
- Preterm births: Delayed cord clamping
- Preterm Surveillance Clinic
- Preventing hospital-associated blood clots
- Priapism: Drainage of the penis
- Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)
- Primary ciliary dyskinesia
- Primary cleft lip surgery preparation
- Primary cleft palate surgery preparation
- Primary hyperparathyroidism
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
- Private semen analysis
- Procedural sedation - discharge advice
- Processors and Hearing Aids: Lost or faulty
- Processors: How to keep in place
- Progesterone use in women with previous pregnancy loss who are bleeding
- Prolonged EEG
- Prolonged jaundice
- Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI)
- Prostate brachytherapy
- Prostate Cancer - Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
- Prostate Cancer: Radiotherapy Treatment
- Prostate cancer: Starting hormonal treatment
- Prostatectomy (robotic radical): frequently-asked questions
- Protected mealtimes: information for patients, visitors and relatives
- Protein Losing Enteropathy Study (NPROT)
- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
- Proximal Urethroplasty
- Psychological care for patients undergoing investigations for suspected lung cancer
- Psychological Medicine Service for Children, Young People, and their Families - Information for Parents
- Psychological Medicine Service for Children, Young People, and their Families - Information for the Parents
- Psychology at the Emmeline Centre – children and young people
- Psychology treatments and pain service
- Ptosis Correction (Adults)
- Pulmonary (Lung) Nodules
- Pulmonary Shunt Test
- Pulse oximeters: How to use
- Puréed food IDDSI level 4
- Pyeloplasty – in children
- Pyloric Stenosis - Information for parents
- Pyridostigmine drug information
- Radial angiogram
- Radial forearm free flap
- Radical radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
- Radical removal of the bladder and fashioning of an ileal conduit (female)
- Radical removal of the bladder and fashioning of an ileal conduit (male)
- Radical removal of the bladder and formation of a bladder substitute with bowel (female)
- Radical removal of the bladder and formation of a bladder substitute with bowel (male)
- Radioiodine for the treatment of hyperthyroidism
- Radioiodine therapy
- Radioiodine therapy (Outpatient version)
- Radiologically inserted gastrostomy tube (RIG): Looking after yours
- Radionuclide Bone Marrow Scan (NBOMA)
- Radionuclide Bone Scan Femurs (NBFEBD)
- Radionuclide Bone Scan Skull (NBSKND)
- Radionuclide Bone Scan Thorax (NBTHX)
- Radionuclide Whole Body Bone Scan (NBONW)
- Radiotherapy: Advice following
- Radiotherapy – Breast: Advice following
- Radiotherapy (breast): Skincare advice
- Radiotherapy: Effects on swallowing
- Radiotherapy for spinal cord compression
- Radiotherapy (IDDSI compliant): Hierarchy of food textures for patients
- Radiotherapy preparation: Use of micro-enemas
- Radiotherapy pre-treatment information
- Radiotherapy to a limb
- Radiotherapy to the brain (long course)
- Radiotherapy treatment to a soft tissue mass
- Radium-223 Dichloride Therapy (NR223)
- Reactive Hypoglycaemia: dietary advice
- Recovery: Supporting you on your journey
- Rectal biopsy in children – advice for parents and carers
- Recurrent oral ulceration
- Recurrent pregnancy loss clinic information
- Red Cell Survival Study (NRCVI)
- Red Light Photodynamic Therapy (red light PDT)
- Reduced baby (fetal) movements
- Referral to the hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) unit
- Refractory headache pathway: Propranolol
- Regurgitation - 6 to 10 years
- Regurgitation - Eleven plus
- Regurgitation - Under 6 years
- Relaxation: Introduction
- Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia (PCA) in labour
- Renal failure or on dialysis: Using over the counter medicines
- Renal Genetics and Tubular Disorders Clinic
- Renal Low Clearance Service
- Renal pelvic dilatation
- Renal stones: Dietary advice for children who form stones: frequently-asked questions
- Renal - Ureteric Colic
- Resistant starch
- ReSPECT for Patients and Carers
- Respiratory muscle assessment test
- Restricted eating: Strategies to help your child introduce new foods
- Restricting your fluid intake
- Retinal detachment: Surgical repair
- Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Retrograde ejaculation - instructions for patients
- Retrograde massage for a swollen hand, finger, thumb or wrist
- Retroperitoneal excision of abdominal lymph nodes (RPLND)
- Reverse boarding
- Rezum treatment for the enlarged prostate
- Rhesus D (RhD) negative blood type: care in pregnancy and after birth
- Ribavirin
- Rifaximin (Targaxan®)
- Rigid cystoscopy (including biopsy if required ± stent removal)
- Rituximab
- Rituximab treatment for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
- Rituximab treatment in autoimmune disorders
- Robotic radical prostatectomy: pre- and post-operative information
- Rotator cuff repair
- Routine EEG
- Ruptured membranes after 37 weeks of pregnancy
- Sacral nerve stimulation (neuromodulation)
- Sacral nerve stimulation (test phase) - Frequently asked questions
- Sacubitril/Valsartan (Entresto®)
- Saline nebulisers for secretion management
- Salt restricted diets: Alternative flavourings
- Scalp video-telemetry - adult inpatient
- Scapula Position
- Scapular stabilisation exercises
- Scar care
- Scar massage information
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis Surgery
- Scoliosis surgery (children): What happens about school?
- Scoliosis surgery: Guidance after surgery
- Scoliosis surgery in adults
- Scoliosis surgery (Over 16 years of age)
- Seating and ergonomics
- Secondary speech surgery: preparation and recovery
- Secretion management: Saline nebulisers
- Seizures: Your child's first seizure
- Self administration of medicines
- Self-administration of Medicines (SAM) in the Rosie Hospital Maternity Wards
- Self-catheterisation in female patients: Frequently asked questions
- Self-catheterisation in male patients: Frequently asked questions
- Semen analysis appointments
- Semen analysis (post vasectomy): Information for patients
- Semen samples: Instructions for production
- Semen samples produced by natural intercourse: Instructions for men
- Semi occluded vocal tract exercises
- Sensory deficits and re-education after a stroke
- Septorhinoplasty: Information for after procedure
- Sevelamer tablets (Renagel® and Renvela®)
- Severe insulin resistance
- Severe Insulin Resistance: Low fat dietary information
- Severe insulin resistance: Pump therapy
- Severe seasonal allergic rhino conjunctivitis (hay fever): Grazax treatment
- Sever's disease
- Sever’s disease
- Shingles information
- Short-acting morphine for moderate to severe pain: Information for patients being discharged
- Short-acting oxycodone for moderate to severe pain: Information for patients being discharged
- Short bowel syndrome following re-continuation surgery: Dietary advice
- Short Cervix
- Short chain fatty acid enemas
- Short course radiotherapy to the lung
- Short synacthen test
- Short synacthen test - Lysosomal Disorders Unit
- Shoulder (acromio-clavicular joint) sprain: Discharge advice
- Shoulder dislocations
- Shoulder - Early shoulder exercises
- Shoulder range of movement exercises - active
- Shoulder range of movement exercises - post surgery
- Shoulder sprain (acromio clavicular joint)
- Shoulder strengthening exercises
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Sickle cell disease (SCD) - bedwetting (enuresis) in children
- Simple removal of the testis ± silicone implant
- Simple renal cyst: Open de-roofing (Røvsing's operation)
- Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome
- Single Breath Gas Transfer
- Sinus lift procedures
- SIR Clinic
- Six Minute Walk Test
- Skin and muscle biopsies in children – a guide for families
- Skin biopsy
- Skin cancer or pre-cancer: Skincare for sun damaged skin and after treatment
- Skin surgery: Post-operative advice
- Skin surgery: Pre-operative advice
- Skin tumour removal using Mohs micrographic surgical technique
- Skull-based tumour: Information about telephone clinics
- Skull based tumour telephone clinic information
- Skull Base Meningioma
- Sleep: A patient’s guide to achieving better sleep
- Sleep electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Sleep problems (back pain management programme)
- Slightly thick drink IDDSI Level 1
- Small Bowel and Multi Visceral Transplants, frequently asked questions
- Small Bowel / Multi Visceral Assessment
- Small for gestational age
- Smokefree pregnancy pathway
- Sodium supplementation in babies and children with a stoma - advice for parents and carers
- Sodium valproate
- Sofosbuvir / ledipasvir (Harvoni®)
- Sofosbuvir / velpatasvir (Epclusa®)
- Soft and bite-sized food IDDSI Level 6
- Soft cast casting tape advice
- Soft cast casting tape advice: bathing in them
- Soft palate exercises
- Solar keratoses and treatment with fluorouracil cream
- Solid Gastric Emptying Scan (NSGES)
- Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP)
- Sore mouth
- Specialised allergy testing: Information for patients undergoing testing
- Speech and language therapy referral (voice)
- Speech and language therapy: Relaxation
- Speech: How is the palate involved?
- Sperm Banking - A guide for younger patients
- Sperm retrieval from testicle: TESE – Information for patients
- Sperm retrieval from vas deferens or epididymis: PESA – Information for patients
- Sperm storage – Information for patients
- Spinal angiogram
- Spinal cord stimulation
- Spinal Cord Stimulation – Single Stage
- Spinal cord stimulator implant
- Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) Single Stage Implant – Going Home
- Spinal orthoses
- Spinal Range of Movement/Stretching Exercises
- Spirometry
- Splenectomy in children – Information for parents and carers
- Splints / braces (soft material pre-fabricated): Instructions for wear and care
- Splints: Instructions for wearing
- Squint in children: Correction surgery
- Squint surgery (adult)
- Stage I testicular seminoma treatment options
- Stainless steel crowns (conventional technique) – a parent’s guide
- Stainless steel crowns (Hall technique) – a parent’s guide
- Starting school when you have food allergy
- Stem Cell Mobilisation and Collection Procedure: GCSF +/- Plerixafor (outpatients)
- Stem cell mobilisation and collection procedures using G-CSF
- Stem cell transplant: Eating safely during transplant and snack list
- Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) Additional information: Bowel and Bladder preparation
- Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the Abdomen
- Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the bones
- Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) to the lymph nodes (non-pelvis or abdominal compression)
- Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the pelvic lymph nodes
- Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) to the spine
- Stereotactic radiosurgery (single treatment)
- Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS/SRT): End of treatment: cerebral metastases
- Steroid induced hyperglycaemia
- Steroid replacement for adrenal insufficiency
- Stoma (colostomy and ileostomy) closure in children; advice for parents and carers
- Stoma prolapse - how to manage
- Storage of immunoglobulins
- Stress and anxiety (back pain management programme)
- Stress incontinence in children with cystic fibrosis – parents’ copy
- Stress urinary incontinence (female) treatment options
- Stress urinary incontinence - Male sling
- Stretches for the hip
- Stridor and its treatment
- Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage
- Subcutaneous methotrexate injections (weekly)
- Sublingual salivary gland removal
- Submandibular salivary gland removal
- Supply of medication after a solid organ transplant
- Supply of medicines following your hospital outpatient visit
- Suprapubic catheter care in children – information for parents and carers
- Suprapubic catheter insertion
- Supra-ventricular tachycardia (SVT)
- Surgery 'list orders' (paediatric) - information for parents and carers
- Surgery / Urology Clinical Nurse Specialist Team (paediatric) - Information for parents and carers
- Surgery / urology (paediatrics) telephone clinics with nurse specialists - information for parents
- Surgical extraction of teeth
- Surgical footwear
- Surgical jejunostomy tube: Looking after yours
- Surgical Tracheostomy: A guide for patients and their relatives
- Surgical wound care
- Suspected lung cancer: Managing nutrition for patients undergoing investigations
- Suspected lung cancer: Stopping smoking for patients undergoing investigations
- Suspected torsion of the testis: Exploration of the scrotum
- Swallowing difficulties management in adults who are at risk of aspiration
- Sweat test- information for parents
- Symptomatic breast referral
- Syncope Assessment Service (SAS): Advice for patients being referred
- Systematic focusing: relaxation technique
- Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy /Chemotherapy Service
- Talipes (clubfoot) and the Ponseti technique
- Tay Sachs/ Sandhoff disease
- Tear drainage failure - children with sticky and watery eyes
- Techniques to distract yourself from unhelpful thoughts
- Teledermatology clinics
- Telescopic bladder surgery recovery: Frequently asked questions
- Tell us what you think
- Temozolomide Chemotherapy with Radiotherapy for High Grade Glioma
- Temporary implantable nitinol device (iTIND)
- Tenofovir
- Testicular Cancer Information
- Testicular cancer (relapsed): chemotherapy treatment
- Testicular cancer risk (other testicle)
- Testicular self-examination: Frequently asked questions
- Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation
- Testicular torsion – information for teenagers
- Testicular torsion in teenagers – information for parents/carers
- Testing your child's vision at home
- Testing your vision at home (Adult)
- Testis: Radical removal (± silicone implant)
- Thalamotomy and pallidotomy for treatment of essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease
- THC: CBD spray (Sativex)
- The Cervical Assessment Clinic
- The Duty of Candour - A guide for patients, families and carers
- The patientMpower hand-held spirometer
- TheraBite usage
- The Soya Ladder
- The use of Apps to help symptoms after COVID-19
- The wheat ladder
- Thiazide diuretic (water tablet): metolazone
- Thickened drink
- Thoracic spine exercises
- Thoracocentesis (pleural aspiration or pleural tap)
- Thoracotomy – in children
- Thrombosis risk when travelling
- Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (also known as ‘TTP’)
- Thumb extensor tendon repair (EPL): Rehabilitation information
- Thumb flexor tendon repair
- Thumb metacarpal fracture
- Thyroglossal Duct Cyst – information for parents and carers
- Thyroid biopsy clinic
- Thyroid cancer: Information regarding pregnancy for women with a history
- Thyroid disease (women)
- Thyroid oncology telephone clinics - general information
- Thyroid shields in mammography
- Thyroid Uptake Scan (NTTCU)
- Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) test
- Toe fracture (single)
- Toe fracture (single) in children
- Toe - Great or big toe fracture or injury
- Toe pressure test
- Tolvaptan (Jinarc®)
- Tongue exercises
- Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) division – in babies
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillectomy advice leaflet
- Topiramate drug information
- Total contact casting: Information and advice
- Total hip replacement – for those following hip precautions
- Total Shoulder Replacement: Advice following
- Tracheobronchomalacia/Large Airway Collapse and Physiotherapy
- Tracheostomy: a guide for parents and carers
- Tracheostomy communication advice sheet (adult)
- Tracheostomy in critically ill adults
- Tracheostomy nursing service: a guide for patients, families and carers
- Tracheostomy stoma care after decannulation
- Transanal Irrigation in Children – information for parents and carers
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine: User advice
- Transfer clinic: what happens?
- Transfer of patients from the John Farman Intensive Care Unit to another hospital
- Transgastric-jejunal tube: Looking after yours
- Transgastric jejunal tubes – in children
- Transition information and guidance for parents and carers
- Transitioning to adult care from paediatric complex chest service
- Transitioning to adult care from paediatric respiratory services
- Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPSS)
- Trans-nasal oesophagoscopy (TNO)
- Trans-nasal oesophagoscopy (TNO) in laryngectomy patients
- Transoesophageal Echocardiogram (TOE)
- Transplant aftercare
- Transplants: Waiting for procedure
- Trans rectal endoscopic ultrasound (TREUS)
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and biopsy
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and prostatic massage
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and transperineal biopsy
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (for benign disease)
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (for cancer)
- Transvaginal cervical cerclage (cervical suture)
- Transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVS) in early pregnancy
- Travelling with diabetes and an insulin pump
- Treatment for ovarian cancer
- Treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)
- Trial without catheter (TWOC): Frequently asked questions
- Triamcinolone injection
- Tube change post procedure - what to expect
- Tube feeding at home
- Tube feeding in motor neurone disease
- Tube removal advice
- Tuft fracture
- Tunnelled central line care
- Turbohaler: How to use
- Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) side effects prevention
- Ultrasound proven superficial thrombophlebitis
- Ultrasound scan of the arteries in your arm
- Ultrasound scan of the arteries in your arm – thoracic outlet syndrome
- Ultrasound scan of the pelvis (gynaecological)
- Ultrasound scan of the testes
- Ultrasound scan of the upper abdomen
- Ultrasound scan of the urinary tract
- Umbilical hernia – in children
- Undescended testes and surgery - in children
- Unlicensed Iopanoic acid
- Unlicensed medications
- Unrepaired submucous cleft palate (SMCP) in children: Advice for parents / guardians
- Unusual or unexplained injuries in children
- Upper airway secretion management in children with neurodisability
- Upper gastrointestinal (GI) enhanced recovery programme
- Upper Gastro-Intestinal (UGI) Pre-op clinic Pre-operative exercise advice
- Ureteric reconstruction
- Ureter inspection / examination and biopsy
- Ureteroscopic stone removal
- Ureteroscopic stone removal in children Information for parents and carers
- Ureter(s) reimplantation in children: Information for parents
- Urethral catheter management: Frequently asked questions
- Urethrectomy (removal of the male urethra or water pipe)
- Urethroscopy ± biopsy/removal of a urethral lesion
- Urgency and Urge Incontinence
- Urinary flow rate test: Frequently asked questions
- Urinary retention following childbirth
- Urinary stress incontinence - sling procedure
- Urinary tract infection in children
- Urine sample from children: How to collect a clean catch
- Urine samples (24 hour) - How to collect
- Urine samples (48-hour): How to carry out a urine collection
- Urodynamic investigation (bladder test)
- Urodynamics (or pressure tests on the bladder)
- Urogynaecology telephone clinics for post-operative patients
- Urology and renal care for babies and young children with spina bifida – information for parents
- Urology patients: End of treatment advice
- Urology service: Information on what to expect when seeing a psychologist
- Urostomy discharge information
- Use of Teduglutide (Revestive) in adult patients
- Vaccines for children with rheumatological conditions
- Vacuum erection assistance devices: frequently asked questions
- Vaginal care following Pelvic Radiotherapy (anal cancer)
- Vaginal pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
- Vaginal reflux in children
- Vaginal trachelectomy and laparoscopic bilateral pelvic lymph node: Radical dissection
- Vagus nerve stimulation therapy: patient discharge information
- Vagus nerve stimulation therapy: patient discharge information (Paediatric)
- Varices screening
- Varicocele embolisation
- Vascular ultrasound scan
- Vascular ultrasound scan (inpatient)
- Vasectomy
- Vein map ultrasound scan to plan for a bypass operation
- Venesection: Undergoing procedure
- Venom Desensitisation
- Venous thromboembolic disease prophylaxis in pelvic and acetabular trauma
- Venous thromboembolism (DVT / PE): Dalteparin treatment
- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in pregnancy and the postnatal period: Reducing the risk
- Venous thrombosis (DVT or PE): Information for patients following an episode
- Ventilators: Travelling abroad with children/young people who use a ventilator
- Ventriculomegaly
- Vesicostomy ‘button’ care in children – information for parents and carers
- Vestibular assessment for cochlear implant candidates
- Vestibular schwannoma (VS)
- Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (paediatric)
- Videofluoroscopy and air insufflation (x-ray examination of swallowing and tracheoesophageal voicing)
- Videofluoroscopy swallow study
- Videourodynamics (pressure tests on the bladder)
- Virtual back pain management programme
- Virtual back pain programme – feedback questionnaire
- Virtual clinics
- Virtual optical coherence tomography (OCT) and photography AMD clinic
- Virtual ward at home: Information about the wearable devices
- Virus induced wheeze in children
- Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP)
- Visual Processing Difficulties
- Vitamin K
- Vocal cord granulomas
- Vocal cord medialisation
- Voice care advice for teachers
- Voice care: looking after your voice
- Voice: how it works
- Voice - Looking after your voice: irritants
- Voice volume exercise sheet
- Vulva cancer treatment information for patients
- Vulval biopsy
- Vulval lichen sclerosus in girls
- Vulval skin care
- Vulvovaginitis in children information for parents and carers
- Walking Exercises to do Pre and Post Operation
- Ward D2 (transitioning) - Parent copy
- Ward D2 (transitioning) - Patient copy
- Ward F3 (11+)
- Ward F3 (6-10)
- Ward F3 (under 6)
- Ward J2 information
- Warfarin reversal: Information for patients who require treatment
- Water deprivation test
- Weaning advice for babies with cleft lip and / or palate
- Weaning advice for older babies who are breastfeeding
- Weaning babies born prematurely
- Wearing a cervical hard collar: ‘Miami J’ - a guide to collar care for patients, relatives and carers
- Weaver-Dunn acromio-clavicular joint stabilisation
- Weight and height: Measuring at home for a child over two years old
- Weight and length: Measuring at home for an infant less than two years old
- Weight management: East of England services for children
- Welcome to the Endocrine Adolescent/Transition clinic
- Welcome to the virtual ward at Cambridge University Hospitals
- What is a DPYD (dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase) test and why do I need it?
- White Cell HMPAO (NWCHW)
- White Cell Scan (NWIND)
- Whole Bowel Transit Study (NSBTS)
- Wind and smells (control of)
- Winter vomiting (viral gastroenteritis) - frequently asked questions for patients and visitors
- Wrist - Buckle fracture
- Wrist - distal radius fracture (undisplaced)
- Wrist - Radius fractures (distal greenstick) in children
- Wrist range of movement exercises
- Wrist splint advice
- Wrist - Ulna-radius fracture (undisplaced)