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Tissue Typing Laboratory

Our services A-Z

The laboratory predominantly supports the East of England, including Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and areas of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex, working closely with clinical staff in Departments of Transplant, Renal Medicine and Haematology and local GPs along with national referrals for our specialist services.

We offer a comprehensive range of molecular and serological techniques to inform selection of HLA compatible donor and recipient pairs in support of:

  • solid organ transplantation for the renal, pancreas, liver, small intestine, multi-visceral and cardiothoracic programmes
  • allogeneic stem cell transplantation for haematological disorders such as aplastic anaemia, acute lymphoblastoid leukaemia and chronic myeloid leukaemia.

Immunogenic testing also aids clinical diagnosis of disease, selection of strategies for drug hypersensitivity reactions and facilitates an understanding of the causes (aetiology) and mechanisms of the disease.

Patient reports

Any requests for patient reports should be emailed to the Tissue Typing Laboratory.


Non-urgent advice: Feedback

We are constantly looking to improve the service we offer. If you feel that we could enhance our service in any way, please let us know your views via our website or speak to a member of staff in the laboratory. We value your feedback.