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Blood tests (Biochemistry)

If a required test is not listed here, please discuss with the Duty Biochemist.

If the assay required is NOT listed then please contact the department directly. All results are reported with reference ranges and/or an interpretative comment. Advice on appropriate requesting and interpretation of results is available at all times from the Duty Biochemist/Duty Immunologist.

Sample volumes: most routine tests can be performed on 5ml clotted serum sample (brown top), unless otherwise stated below (For paediatric samples a minimum of 1ml of blood is required).

Indicative turnround times are given for non-urgent situations. Our TAT target is that 95% of tests marked * in the table are completed in <4 hours for internal CUH locations and <8 hours for all other locations except where an agreement exists between users and laboratory that we will complete tests more urgently for specimens received from a specific location.

Turnaround times for referral tests are those reported by the the referral laboratory and do not include time taken to post specimens and receive results via the post or electronically. We do not post specimens on a Friday, therefore if samples are received after Thursday they will not be sent until the following Monday, unless they are urgent and this has been agreed with the Duty Biochemist.

If a required test is not listed on our A-Z, please discuss with the Duty Biochemist.