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Specialist Haemostasis

The Specialist Haemostasis Unit laboratory is open from 08:30 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. The section is not open out of hours.

Services offered by the Unit:

1- Haemorrhagic Investigations:

Haemorrhagic investigations may be carried out on patient with a personal or family history of easy bruising or bleeding, or in-patients with unexpected abnormal coagulation screen results.

2- Thrombophilia Investigations:

A thrombotic investigation may be carried out on a patient with a personal or family history of thrombosis, or anyone thought to be at risk of thrombosis.

3- Molecular Investigations:

Molecular investigations are usually carried out either as part of a thrombophilia investigation request or on a patient with a known disease or deficiency in order to determine the underlying molecular defect or mutation.

These investigations are integrated within the Molecular Genetics Laboratory as part of the East Anglian Medical Genetics Service. More information can be found on on the East Anglian Medical Genetics website.

4- Anticoagulant Therapy:

Samples for INR testing taken at a GP's surgery are transported to the Haemostasis laboratory for testing. Alternatively patients may also attend the blood testing department in outpatients at Addenbrooke's to have their sample taken

Samples for INR testing and dose recommendation should be sent with either the yellow INR and anticoagulation dosage request form (the bottom part of the form) or a Warf1 form.

The Outpatient Anticoagulant Service runs Monday to Thursday 9am until 5pm, only.

We do not operate a service on Fridays

Request form and Sample completion:

All samples should be labelled in accordance with the Trust "Blood Collection, Identification and Acceptance Policy"