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Haematology (Blood Sciences)


We provide a comprehensive repertoire of tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of haematological disorders as well as providing blood and blood products for transfusion.

The Department of Haematology consists of three sections:

  • Diagnostic Haematology
  • Specialist Haemostasis
  • Blood Transfusion

We maintain close links with the Cambridge University Department of Haematology (opens in a new tab).

Laboratory opening times

Diagnostic Haematology

  • Monday - Friday 08:00 to 20:00
  • Outside these hours the Diagnostic laboratory offers an Emergency service with the On-call Biomedical Scientist

In order to achieve best quality results, haematology samples should be analysed as soon as possible following venepuncture. Additional tests requested by Clinicians subsequently may be added at the discretion of senior laboratory staff.

Specialist Haemostasis

  • Monday - Friday 08:30 to 17:00
  • It is preferred that samples arrive in the laboratory no later than 15:00 to ensure prompt processing.
  • Work required outside these times should be discussed with the laboratory in advance

Blood Transfusion

  • The department provides a 24/7 blood transfusion service.
  • Departmental core hours are from 08:00 till 20:00 weekdays and 08:00 till 12:30 Saturdays.
  • During the out-of-hours period staffing levels reflect anticipated workflows and service requirements
  • Requests will be prioritised according to urgency
  • Transfusion Practitioners are available Mondays-Fridays between 09:00 - 17:00hrs.