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Changes to video consultation appointments

From Tuesday 30 July 2024, you will be able to join video appointments with your clinician/s directly from within MyChart (secure patient portal of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), or via email if you do not have MyChart.

This will become the new way that patients access video consultation appointments at our hospitals. It will replace our current process of connecting via Attend Anywhere, making video appointments easier to conduct for both patients and clinicians.

What do I do if I have a video appointment already scheduled?

  • Video appointments before 29 July 2024 – please continue to use the instructions and web link already provided to you in appointment notification via letter/email/MyChart. You will connect to your appointment via our current Attend Anywhere system.
  • Video appointments from 30 July 2024 onwards – you will receive new/updated appointment details via email or MyChart. You will receive an email the day before your appointment about how to test your device prior to your video appointment. You will receive another email 15 minutes before your appointment start time containing the link to join your appointment. You can also join via MyChart. See further details below.

How do I test my device for video appointments?

If you have a video appointment scheduled for after 30 July 2024:

  • You need to use one of the following web browsers for your video appointment: Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge. If you do not have one of these web browsers, please download one to your device before the video consultation begins.
  • You will receive an email the day before your video appointment containing a link to complete pre-appointment tasks and instructions on how to test your device.
  • You can also test your device at any time before your appointment via the ‘Upcoming visits’ page of your MyChart.
  • We strongly encourage you to test your device in advance and share the results of the device test with your care team by clicking the ‘Share results with care team’ button, which you will see in MyChart following the device test.
  • If you are unable to successfully test your device, please telephone 01223 256988

How do I join my video appointment on the day?

If you have a video appointment scheduled for after 30 July 2024, you can join either by email or MyChart:

  • By email - You will be sent an email 15 minutes before the start time of your video appointment containing a link to join the video call. Do not send this link to anyone else. If you wish to invite a guest (relative/carer) please see section below.
  • By MyChart – Click the ‘Join video appointment’ button on the ‘Visit details’ page of MyChart up to 15 minutes before your appointment start time (this link will be greyed out if you try to join any earlier).
  • The link via email or button in MyChart will open Microsoft Teams on a web browser where you will be asked to enter your name and confirm that Microsoft Teams can access your microphone and camera, before being placed in a virtual waiting room to await your video call. The clinic will see that you have arrived, and your clinician will join when ready to begin your appointment.
  • Please ensure that your microphone and camera are both switched on in Microsoft Teams (buttons in the top right of the screen).
  • Please do not use the ‘Chat’ functionality in Teams during your appointment.
  • Please ensure that you are in a quiet and confidential area to complete your video appointment.

Who will join the video appointment, and can I invite a guest?

If you have a video appointment scheduled for after 30 July 2024:

  • Your clinician may invite another clinician to join to help with the appointment and/or other colleagues as required, such as an interpreter.
  • You can also invite a relative or carer to join your video appointment. This can be done from your MyChart (see Video Appointment FAQs in MyChart) or by asking your clinician during your appointment to invite your relative/carer via an email link.

What if I'm unable to connect with my clinician at the time of my appointment?

If you have a video appointment scheduled for after 30 July 2024:

  • We will endeavour to be available at your appointment time, however clinics can experience delays. You’ll receive an email if your clinician is running more than 5 minutes late for your appointment. If this happens, please remain on the call and they will join as soon as they can. Please avoid calling the hospital as your clinician will join your call.
  • Should a video consultation appointment not be possible for technical reasons, your clinician will contact you via telephone.
  • If you get disconnected from your call after 30 minutes of waiting, please use the web link contained in the email about your clinician running late to reconnect to the video call.