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Regional Huntington's disease clinic


In the Huntington’s disease clinic we look after people who carry the gene for Huntington’s disease and their family members, through all stages of their condition. This includes patients carrying the gene but with no clinical signs or symptoms as well as those with advanced disease. We see most people face-to-face, but also offer remote consultations (via video or telephone) for patients that are not able to come to clinic.

As well as overseeing their medical care we work closely with the regional advisors from the Huntington’s Disease Association to try to best support people in the community.

We undertake a range of clinical research activity which many of our patients become involved with, including clinical trials.

Information for patients

We run a virtual clinic on Mondays, 9am-12pm and face to face clinics on Wednesdays 9am-12pm and 1.30pm-4pm. Appointments are 30 minutes each with the neurologist, and most patients also have some cognitive testing performed. Follow-up intervals are guided by the needs of the patient.

We offer free car parking outside the front of our building with a bus stop nearby for those travelling on public transport. Our building is fully accessible for all patients.

Appointment letters will come from Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust headed paper with all contact details included for the clinic team.

Key personnel