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We provide a regional service specialising in adult immunodeficiency disorders.

QPIDS Accredited purple logo
The Immunology service has been awarded accreditation by QPIDS (Quality in Primary Immunodeficiencies)

Our team of medical consultants, specialist registrars, and specialist nurses offer a range of services including:

  • Investigation of people who may have immunodeficiency - This is usually someone who is getting many infections.
  • Investigation of people who may have a secondary immunodeficiency - Investigation of people who may have a secondary immunodeficiency linked to cancer treatments or treatment of autoimmune disorders.
  • Replacement therapy with immunoglobulins (antibodies) - For people whose immune systems are unable to make enough of their own antibodies, including training for patients to infuse immunoglobulin therapy at home at home.
  • Hereditary angioedema service - For diagnosis, support and management of this condition.
  • Specialist clinics for immunodeficiency patients - For patients with respiratory or infectious complications run jointly with the Immunology and other specialist teams.
  • Transitional care for young adults with immunodeficiency - For patients moving from children’s (paediatric) to adult services.
  • Management of inpatients - For patients who have been hospitalised with complications arising from immunodeficiency.
  • Satellite Immunology clinic - Clinics are held at Peterborough City Hospital
  • Regional Immunoglobulin Approval Panel - Hosts of the regional Immunoglobulin Approval Panel.
    We also work closely with colleagues from other specialties to provide advice on immunology, including on the results of tests from the immunology laboratory.

Non-urgent advice: Clinic opening times

General immunology clinics

Monday: 14:00 – 17:00

Tuesday: 09:30 – 13:00

Wednesday: 09:00 – 13:00

Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00

Friday: 09:30 – 12:30

General immunology satellite clinic

Held at Peterborough hospital

Tuesdays 9am - 12.30pm

General information

We invite new patients to attend our clinic in person for their first appointment.

In some cases telephone or video appointments may be offered for follow up appointments.

Patients are seen in the general Immunology clinic (Cambridge or Peterborough) in the first instance and may subsequently be followed up in a joint specialist clinic:

Joint clinic with allergy department, clinic 2a

HAE (Hereditary Angioedema)

2nd Friday, alternate months, 9am - 12pm

Joint clinic with infectious diseases, clinic 1a

(DSKL) 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 2pm - 4pm

Joint clinic with respiratory department, clinic 2a

(DSKJOINT) 1st and 4th Friday of the month 9am - 2pm

Special requirements

Should you have any specific requirements relating to your appointment and / or accessibility concerns please email the accessibility team.

Your referral

As a patient you may be referred into the Immunology service from primary, secondary and tertiary health service providers through written referral. Our aim is for you to be seen within eight weeks of a referral being received, sooner if triaged as urgent.

You will be seen by a clinical immunologist in the first instance. Immune investigations may be requested. Blood tests may be undertaken at the same time if you are seen at the hospital, or forms sent to have blood taken at a later date. Other tests requested will usually be carried out at a separate appointment (e.g. lung function testing, x-rays or scans).

Who we work with

We work closely with members of the multidisciplinary team and our colleagues from different teams including:

Paediatric immunology

  • Dr Helen Baxendale
  • Catherine O’Sullivan


  • Dr Clare Sander

Infectious diseases

Gastroenterology / hepatology team

Immunoglobulin therapy

We support more than 400 patients receiving immunoglobulin replacement (antibody infusions). This can be delivered into a vein or under the skin: Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) or Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIG). IVIG is usually delivered in hospital. SCIG can be delivered at home.

Most of our patients opt to be trained to manage their own treatment and receive training in immunoglobulin home therapy in a nurse led clinic. They are then supported through annual reviews and specialist clinics for:

  • Immunoglobulin Infusions – IVIG, SCIG and manual push injection method as appropriate
  • Home Care Therapy Training and nurse led reviews of Immunoglobulin therapy
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist Telephone and email support
Hereditary angioedema (HAE)

We have an established service supporting patient care and management of this condition including:

  • Avoidance of precipitating factors
  • Treatment of acute attacks
  • Prevention
  • Home therapy training for a range of treatment options

The Department has links with the University of Cambridge and takes part in local and national studies.

Satellite Services

A satellite service is hosted a Peterborough hospital on Tuesdays for patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency including:

  • Outpatient clinics
  • Immunoglobulin infusions – IVIG

Information for patients

We value your feedback, views and input to our services. If you have any suggestions of feedback please contact our patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

We want to ensure that Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundations Trust’s immunology department takes account of the views, opinions, and experiences of the patients and carers who use their services. Feedback from immunology patients are needed to help us improve our services and better meet the needs of the local community.

Whatever your experience with our team we invite you to get in touch and let us know.

Please let us know your views on the CUH website.

We host immunology patient days with updates and educational lectures, we will keep you informed of upcoming events.

Immunology patient day

On Saturday 15 June 2024, we will be hosting 'Immunology patient day' at the Clinical school on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, close to the main entrance.

We are offering the opportunity for you to meet the team, get involved in educational sessions, and also have your questions answered.

The event will run from 10:00 - 16:00. Please do get in touch with the team for further details.

School of Clinical Medicine
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 0SP

Additional resources

Advice on mental health

Nasal douching and nasal spray video

Key Staff