We use X-rays to produce images of the skeleton, chest and abdomen. These X-rays are then reviewed by our Radiologists or advanced practice Reporting Radiographers.
At CUH, we perform over 174,000 X-ray examinations a year and have a large team of radiographers that work 24/7 to provide care for patients from across the entire region. We are a large teaching hospital therefore your examination may be undertaken by one of our students from the University of Suffolk or one of our radiography apprentices.
For patients

Some patients are sent to the Outpatient X-ray department from one of the clinics e.g. fracture clinic or oncology for a same day X-ray. Alternatively your doctor will refer you to us and you will be contacted by our booking team to arrange an appointment, this will either be by telephone or you may receive an appointment letter in the post.
You will be offered an appointment at one of the following:
- the main Outpatient department at Addenbrooke’s Hospital
- the Inpatient X-ray department in the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre (ATC)
- our satellite site at Saffron Walden Community Hospital
- or the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Ely. Please check before your appointment which X-ray department your appointment is booked for
Please check before your appointment which X-ray department your appointment is booked for.

For prospective staff
At CUH we perform over 174,000 X-ray examinations a year across our plain film imaging areas. Our department has been fully digital since 2005 and is a show site for GE. We have over 60 Radiographers and Assistant Practitioners within the general imaging team, this includes a team of Advanced Practice Radiographers in MSK reporting, chest and abdominal reporting, bariums swallows, hysterosalpingograms and lithotripsy. The general imaging department provides a 24/7 service with an out-of-hours shift system. We are a large teaching hospital and train students through the traditional undergraduate university route from the University of Suffolk as well as a diagnostic radiography apprenticeship programmes in conjunction with Exeter University and also University of Hertfordshire.