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Imaging (Radiology)

The entrance to the Fluoroscopy department (Barium suite) One of the fluoroscopy machines in the department
The entrance to the Fluoroscopy department (Barium suite)
The main entrance to the department (labelled Fluoroscopy)
One of the fluoroscopy machines in the department
One of the machines used in the department

At CUH we perform over 6,000 fluoroscopy examinations a year. As a team of Radiographers and Radiologists we work alongside many different specialties within the hospital e.g. Urology, Speech & Language Therapy, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, ENT, Gastrointestinal and Musculoskeletal performing a wide range of procedures. We use X-rays to take real time images to show the function of certain body parts and we may also use an X-ray dye called ‘contrast’ to help us visualise specific areas.

For patients

You will receive an appointment letter through the post. If you are unable to attend the appointment please contact our bookings team, as advised in the letter, so that another appointment can be arranged.

In order to get the best images, we may ask you to prepare before your examination e.g. to be Nil by Mouth or take antibiotics. The details of the preparation will be included in your appointment letter, so please read it carefully.

On arrival, please check in at the Ultrasound reception and they will direct you to the Fluoroscopy waiting room. For some examinations we may ask you to change into a hospital gown.

Hospital transport can only be provided if needed for medical reasons.  If you are a Cambridgeshire, Peterborough or Royston resident and require transport please contact EMED Patient Care on 0300 777 5555 to arrange transport. Please ensure a return journey is booked.

Anyone outside of this area will need to contact your referring doctor or GP.

Fluoroscopy waiting area: five chairs and a small table with pictures on the walls The main corridor of the fluoroscopy department
Fluoroscopy waiting area: five chairs and a small table with pictures on the walls
The fluoroscopy waiting room
The main corridor of the fluoroscopy department
The main corridor of the department

Useful documents