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Preparing yourself for surgery

Benefits of exercising before surgery

Major surgery is a huge stress on the body. Improving physical and emotional health can reduce this stress and reduce chance of complications following surgery. This can help to reduce your stay in hospital and get you home sooner!

A lady running outside.

Active 10

Did you know that walking briskly for just 10 continuous minutes counts as exercise? Try a brisk walk outdoors, or around the garden.

Active 10 advert. Walking briskly for 10 minutes counts as exercise.

For further support, you can download the Active 10 app from the NHS Better Health website (opens in a new tab).

Getting active

Activities you can try:

  • climb stairs
  • fitness DVDs
  • yoga, T’ai Chi or Pilates at home
  • cycling – indoors or outdoors
  • racquet sports
  • bowls
  • seated exercises
  • go to the gym
  • golf
  • walk to the shops
  • walk your dog
  • swimming
  • carry heavy shopping bags

Stop smoking

Stopping smoking before surgery improves your recovery and healing after surgery and reduces the chance of chest infection or other complications. We can refer you for support at your local services:

Smokefree Norfolk logo, Healthy You logo and One Life Suffolk logo

Healthy eating

Manage your alcohol intake

Reducing alcohol prior to surgery can improve your post operative recovery.

National guidelines recommend less than 14 units per week for both males and females spread over 3 or more days. Have at least 2 days alcohol free.

More information and guidelines can be found on the drinkaware website (opens in a new tab) and the NHS website (opens in a new tab).

Take home messages about nutrition

  • Have 3 balanced meals a day
  • a third of your plate should be vegetables or fruit
  • your protein portion should be no bigger than the palm of your hand
  • include fish in your diet twice a week (oily fish once)
  • variety is key to getting all your body needs
  • stay within recommended alcohol limits
  • have at least 2 alcohol free days a week
  • follow any specific dietary advice you have been given.

You can find a range of apps to support lifestyle changes on the Better Health website (opens in a new tab).

Surgery Hero

Surgery Hero App on a mobile phone alongside the text 'Available through a growing network of NHS hospitals, employers and insurers.'

Improving your health and fitness before surgery can help to lower the risk of complications and can help you return to normal activities sooner.

Find out more about Surgery Hero.

Cambridge and Peterborough – Waiting Well Service

The Waiting Well service (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) is here to provide you with relevant information, opportunities, and access to a broad range of services in your local area that will optimise the time you are waiting for your treatment. Whilst not all of the information on this website will be relevant to you, there are many sections that will be applicable and helpful!

Some people are waiting longer than we’d like, and while we are prioritising those with the most urgent clinical need and working as safely and quickly as possible to see and treat as many patients as we can, we understand that waiting can be a very challenging time.

Our aim is to make good use of the time you are waiting, to ensure you attend your next appointment in the best possible physical and mental health.

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