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Surgical Teams

We are a team of over 150 physiotherapists and support staff, based throughout the hospital, to help patients of all ages recover after illness, injury or surgery.

Before your operation

If you already take part in regular exercise, continue this as much as you feel able to. If not, try some of the pre-operative exercise programmes available today.

It might be useful to keep a walking or jogging diary – aim further every few days.

Practice your breathing exercises with your spirometer.

After your operation

Physiotherapists work on the intensive care and high dependency units, as well as recovery, so don’t be surprised if you see a physiotherapist in one of these environments.

Continue with your breathing exercises as soon as possible.

Expect to be out of bed and sitting in a chair or walking around the day after your operation.

Ask to see a physiotherapist if you are having any problems with coughing, walking or balance.

A spirometer device

Remember for discharge

  • Do I feel safe walking around?
  • Have I practiced stairs or steps?
  • Do I have a suitable walking aid?
  • Do I need to be doing any specific exercises at home?
  • Do I need to see a physiotherapist at home or as an outpatient?

For the future

Keep exercising and improving your fitness!

Have a look at some of the exercise group information available today and on the Fit 4 Surgery webpages.