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Bladder oncology

Surgical Teams

The Bladder Oncology Nurse Specialists are a team dedicated to providing information and support for patients diagnosed with bladder cancer

They can be involved as much, or as little, as you feel necessary.

They are experts in their relevant fields, and can be very useful to discuss treatments, address information and care needs and help to provide psychosocial support.

They can also discuss the effects of treatment on a person’s body image and help find relevant information.

Bladder Cancer is the 7th most common cancer in the UK – the 4th most common cancer in men. Over 10,700 people in the UK are diagnosed each year.

Useful websites

Useful apps

Salts Training App – An app which gives you all the information you need, whether you’ve just found out you will need to have a stoma, recently had your operation, or are living with a stoma. It is also a useful tool for those caring for and supporting a relative or friend.