Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) group
The British Cochlear Implant Group (BCIG) are looking for patients and parents / carers to be involved in PPIE groups to give your ideas and thoughts on various aspect of data collection, research, quality, and service delivery to help shape the future for children, teenagers, and adults with cochlear implants.
A current project requiring your input is the development of a National Registry of Hearing Implants (NRHI).
Being part of a PPIE group gives you the chance to tell clinicians and researchers about your personal experiences and give your views. Groups may be face-to-face, but will also be online with subtitles and BSL interpreters available if needed.
You may also be asked to comment on documents by email.
We welcome all willing participants, and we hope to have a wide and diverse range of representation from all backgrounds and ages including parents / carers, teenagers and adults from each cochlear implant team across the UK.
If you would like to find out more, please email Laura in the BCIG office.