Once you have received an appointment for your hearing implant assessment at the Emmeline Centre, please read the following information to prepare for your appointment.
Please visit our Emmeline Centre homepage for information on travel to the hospital and finding our clinics.
Please ensure that you bring all existing equipment to your first appointment (hearing aids, ear moulds, etc).
We encourage all our patients to register for MyChart, which is the electronic patient portal at Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals. This allows patients to securely access parts of their health record and appointment information. Find out more on the CUH MyChart page.
Pre-appointment tasks
Please complete the applicable questionnaires prior to your/your child’s first assessment appointment, which form part of the process and provides useful information to the clinicians.
Overview of the assessment process
All patients referred for a hearing implant will have a comprehensive assessment. The aim is to determine the best hearing option for each individual. The processes will vary based on the type of hearing loss and type of implant that you are being assessed for. The process can also be slightly different depending on whether the patient is a child, teenager or adult. We ensure that the candidate and their family/carers are involved at each step. The assessment consists of various components, with different members of the team. The length of the assessment will vary from person to person.

Outline of appointments
Initial assessment
An appointment(s) with Audiologist and/or hearing rehabilitationist to determine whether you meet the criteria for an implant, and if it would be of benefit to you. During the assessment there is also the opportunity to discuss the different treatment options, ask questions and when possible contact a current implant user to learn about their experience. You may be fitted with a new hearing device during this appointment to trial.
Medical assessment
Appointment with the specialist nurse to determine medical suitability for an implant (up to 30 mins + any other appointments required such as blood tests). This may be the same day as your initial assessment appointment.
CT/MRI head scan
Appointment can be at Addenbrooke’s hospital, or another hospital in the surrounding area.
Team meeting
Individual cases are discussed within the Multidisciplinary Team to determine whether or not to offer an implant.
Clinic appointment with consultant
Your opportunity to meet the Consultant to be informed whether or not we are able to offer you an implant, and to discuss the risks of surgery.
Device information appointment
For cochlear implants only: an appointment with the rehabilitationist to explore expectations of hearing with a CI in more in depth, and to order your CI equipment.
After this assessment process, surgery can take place.
Further sources of information
- British Cochlear Implant Group (BCIG) (opens in a new tab)
- National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) (opens in a new tab)
- National Cochlear Implant Users Association (NCIUA) (opens in a new tab)
- Hearing Link Services (opens in a new tab)
- DisabilityPlus - Hearing loss services (opens in a new tab)
- Cambridgeshire Deaf Association (CDA) (opens in a new tab)
- Deafblind UK (opens in a new tab)
- Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) (opens in a new tab)
- Sense (opens in a new tab)
- Connevans (opens in a new tab)
- British Deaf News (opens in a new tab)
- From Ear to Eternity: A Cochlear Implant Diary (opens in a new tab)