What is Diabetes?
Diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to make insulin, unable to make enough, or the insulin produced does not work properly. It is a condition that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to be too high. Glucose enters our blood stream as a result of us eating carbohydrate foods and carbohydrate containing drinks. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas that allows the glucose in our blood to enter our body cells to be used as a source of energy/fuel.
Watch this short video from Diabetes UK: 'What is Diabetes?' (opens in a new tab)
Diabetes types
The three main types of diabetes are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
- Diabetes UK - Type 1 (opens in a new tab)
- Diabetes UK - Type 2 (opens in a new tab)
- Diabetes UK - Gestational diabetes (opens in a new tab)
Other types of diabetes
There are also more rare forms of diabetes beyond type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. The rare forms of diabetes make up around 2% of all people with diabetes.
This includes cystic fibrosis related diabetes, monogenic diabetes, type 3c diabetes and diabetes caused by rare syndromes.
- Further information can be found on the Diabetes UK website (opens in a new tab).
Patient education programs
Type 1 Diabetes Structured Education: DAFNE
Diabetes courses are encouraged for all with type 1 diabetes no matter how long you have had it. People who have completed structured education have more stable blood glucose levels and fewer diabetes related complications as well as seeing improvements in their mental wellbeing and overall quality of life.
Addenbrooke’s diabetes clinic offers the Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) group structured education for type 1 diabetes (T1DM). DAFNE has been running at Addenbrooke's since 2002.
About the course
The course based around group work, sharing and comparing experiences with the group members. However, there are opportunities for each person to speak to DAFNE educators individually.
DAFNE allows people to fit diabetes into their lifestyle, rather than changing their lifestyle to fit in with their diabetes.
DAFNE has been proven to:
- Improve general wellbeing
- Improve treatment satisfaction
- Improve dietary freedom
- Reduce the frequency of hypoglycaemia
- Improve overall glucose control (HbA1c)
Course format
The course is delivered in different formats:
- Over 5 days (Monday to Friday within the same week)
- Over 5 days (One day a week for 5 consecutive weeks)
- Over 5 days specifically for insulin pump users
To a group of up to 8 people with T1DM, with a follow up 6-8 weeks after the course finishes. The course is delivered by a diabetes specialist nurse and diabetes specialist dietitian as well as input from a diabetes consultant.
Click here to read about how DAFNE can help you. (opens in a new tab)
Course Location
Courses are held within the Diabetes Clinic at CUH. We may also hold courses in the community setting, such as in Ely.
Contact us:
Telephone: 01223 348781
Email the DAFNE administrator
Key personnel
- Lead DAFNE Dietitian: Sarah Donald
- Lead DAFNE Nurse: Caroline Byrne
- DAFNE administrator: Allison Housden
DAFNE Online (opens in a new tab)
Online community of DAFNE graduates, health care professionals, management and friends and family of those with type 1 diabetes. Here you’ll find online blood glucose diaries, app information, DAFNE online forums, carb portion list information and even access the latest version if the DAFNE course handbook.