The Safeguarding Children team are part of the CUH Safeguarding People team in the Office of the Chief Nurse.
About us
We are a team of Named Doctor and Nurses, providing support to families and protecting children from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
We work as part of a “Think Family” team, in collaboration with partner agencies to ensure the safety of children.
Our role involves supporting and training of staff, representing the organisation in safeguarding meetings, and disseminating learning from safeguarding reviews. We also participate in managing staff safeguarding allegations.
Our mission
We are committed to ensuring that Cambridge University Hospitals has in place systems to safeguard the welfare of all children.
This includes working in partnership with other agencies and organisations to ensure we provide safe care and that we proactively identify children and young people who are at risk of abuse or neglect.
We aim to support families who find difficulty in attending appointments, and act as an advocate for the child.