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Child development centre

Children's services A-Z

The child development centre (CDC) is an assessment and treatment centre where specialist help is available for children of all ages and families. Children are referred when parents or professionals have concerns about their development.

Information for patients

When your child has been referred to the CDC, a first appointment is with the paediatrician who will, if necessary, request further assessments from other members of the team.

When all the assessments are complete, a treatment programme is planned with the parents. This may include therapy for a child on an individual basis or in one of the groups run at the centre. In addition, support and help is provided to parents, carers and, in some circumstances, teachers.

Your child's progress is likely to be followed up regularly by one of the CDC doctors, who co-ordinates treatment and liaises with the family doctor and, if necessary, with other professionals involved with your child.

Finding us

From the main hospital entrance, through the main entrance turn right and head towards the concourse and then turn left.

Walk past the hairdressers. Turn right and head along the long corridor towards the Rosie and the Treatment Centre.

The CDC entrance can be found at the junction with the Rosie corridor.

From the Rosie, make your way through the main reception area, pass the lifts on the left. Continue straight on down the ramp.

The CDC is signposted off the ramp on the left hand side.

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