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The chaplaincy team

The chaplains are members of staff employed by the trust to care for the pastoral and spiritual needs of the whole hospital community.

Our team

Pastoral and spiritual care is for everyone: for people of all religions and none. You do not have to follow a particular faith; we will respond to everyone who asks to see us and will respect wherever you are coming from.

Contact us

To contact a chaplain or to request a visit from representative of another faith community, please contact us on:

Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00.

Tel: 01223 217769 (or hospital extension 217769; chaplains' department) or call into the office.

Chaplaincy - Box 105
Cambridge University Hospitals
Hills Road

Chaplains are normally on duty Monday to Friday 08:00 to 16:00. At all other times, there is a chaplain on call.

Out of hours

For the duty chaplain, contact hospital switchboard 01223 245151 (or hospital extension 0)

Chaplaincy administrator

Tel: 01223 217769

There is an answer phone for outside of office hours.

Or contact us via email.