Rehabilitation and Exercise during Addenbrooke’s Cancer Treatment (REACT)

The Rehabilitation and Exercise during Addenbrooke’s Cancer Treatment (REACT) programme provides specialist rehabilitation and therapy to CUH patients who are experiencing neurological and musculoskeletal side effects directly from their cancer or the treatment of their cancer.
The programme also supports patients in staying active following diagnosis and throughout their treatment by offering a range of safe, supervised exercise opportunities.
The REACT programme is available to patients with all tumour types, throughout their treatment – from diagnosis, through treatment including those living with an incurable disease. The programme offers a range of opportunities including individual therapy assessment and treatment, exercise assessment/exercise counselling, in-person group cardiovascular circuit-style classes and education sessions for a range of tumour sites and conditions (online and in-person). Introductory sessions to Pilates, Tai Chi, and Yoga are also offered throughout the year as demand requires.
How can I access REACT?
Some patients will be referred to our service automatically, particularly if they are undergoing a specific surgery or treatment. Other patients will be referred by their Consultants, Clinical Nurse Specialists, or other Allied Health Professionals such as Radiographers, Occupational Therapists or Dieticians, depending on the issues they encounter during treatment.
If you are an inpatient, please speak to the allocated physiotherapist, to your ward or a member of your medical team. They can place an outpatient referral to our service.
If you are receiving CUH care as an outpatient, we would encourage you to speak to your treating team, so that they can refer directly to our service.
Alternatively, you can self-refer to REACT by emailing your name, hospital number and a brief comment about your current needs or leave us a voicemail on 01223 349294 (Voicemail Only).
Please note, the REACT programme is available for adults (over the aged of 18) who are receiving, or have received cancer treatment at Cambridge University Hospitals in the last 12 months.
Physical problems, which are unrelated to an individual’s cancer or cancer treatment, will be directed to the appropriate therapy teams: