Bowel cancer means cancer that starts in the large bowel (colon) and the back passage (rectum). It is also known as colorectal cancer. Your treatment depends on where the cancer starts in your bowel.
The bowel is split into 2 parts - the small bowel and the large bowel. The large bowel includes the colon, the rectum and the bowel opening (anus).
Anal cancer is cancer that starts in the anus. The anus is the part of the large bowel that opens to the outside of the body. Poo (stool) passes through it when you empty your bowels.
Anal cancer is a rare cancer. It is different from cancer that starts in the rectum or colon (bowel cancer).
Treatments for bowel or anal cancer at CUH
Treatment depends on whether you have colon, rectal or anal cancer, as well as your cancer stage. You might have:
- surgery
- radiotherapy
- chemotherapy
- a combination of these.
You will be seen by surgeons initially and meet with oncologists and radiologists depending on your treatment plan.