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About cancer services

We treat cancers of solid organs. We offer a highly integrated approach to the management of both common and rare cancers.

Attend Anywhere video consultation

Did you know your outpatient appointment for this service may now be done by video consultation using Attend Anywhere. This enables you to be able to attend your appointment from home, saving you time and money.

Find out more about outpatient video appointments

We provide a service to more than 4,000 new patients each year, from East Anglia and beyond. We are a very busy centre: in 2010, 2,020 individual patients were commenced on chemotherapy and over 11,000 treatments were administered.

Our chemotherapy service functions both as a local service for Cambridgeshire and a specialist service for the Anglia Cancer Network (ACN) and beyond. We receive referrals from across our region as well as nationally.

We treat en extensive range of cancers, including:

  • Biliary tract
  • Bladder
  • Bowel
  • Brain
  • Breast
  • Gynaecological
  • Haematological
  • Head and Neck
  • Kidney
  • Lung
  • Neuroendocrine
  • Oesophagus and stomach
  • Paediatric
  • Pancreas
  • Primary liver
  • Prostate
  • Sarcoma
  • Skin

We have expertise in the use of all of the common types of treatment and most of the more specialist ones.

They include: cytotoxic chemotherapy, immunotherapy, molecular targeted agents, monoclonal antibodies, hormone therapy.

We have very close links with the University of Cambridge Department of Oncology and Haematology. Many of our staff work for both the hospital and the university. This ensures that the high-quality cancer care we offer, is underpinned by excellent research.

We offer numerous groundbreaking new treatments within clinical trials. Addenbrooke’s is the hub of the West Anglia Cancer Research Networks and accounts for over two thirds of its activity.

In 2012, 1,649 patients treated in our Cancer Centre took part in 169 different clinical trials.

In March 2012, we launched two new and exciting developments to our service:

  • We opened a new ward (C9) to treat young patients between the ages of 16 and 24 years in an appropriate environment. Ward C9 - Teenage Cancer Trust Unit
  • Our nursing team set up a new service, delivering chemotherapy in two GP practices on a weekly basis, enabling some patients to be treated closer to home. Outreach chemotherapy service: treating patients closer to home

Non-urgent advice: Information for patients

We are ideally positioned to provide both innovative and standard treatments. Our multidisciplinary approach means that your team will be able to provide all elements of your care to the highest possible standard. Most cancer patients receive their treatment as outpatients.

You will only be admitted to hospital if the nature of your cancer or your treatment makes it impossible for you to remain at home. Within cancer services we offer the following treatments: Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Bone marrow transplant.

We often use a combination of different treatments to achieve the best possible outcome.

Cancer treatment also often involves surgery. In this case we cooperate closely with our surgical colleagues to ensure that all elements of your treatment are properly planned, coordinated and delivered.

Working with others

Our collaborative outlook with the University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK and Macmillan enables us to bring together high quality clinical care and treatment underpinned by the world-class research. As well as being the local hospital for patients living in the Cambridge area, we function as a regional centre for rarer types of cancer. As such, we collaborate across the region as part of the Anglia Cancer Network.

Robot appeal

Support our charity’s £1.5m Robot Appeal and change the lives of thousands of patients at Addenbrooke's.

Find out how you can donate (opens in a new tab)

Key Staff